
ボキャブラリー レッスン122


1. a glass of phrase [uh glas ov]

Refers to a quantity that would fill a glass.

◼ Example: Would you like a glass of water?

2. upset verb [uhp-set]

To make someone worried, unhappy, or angry.

◼ Example: She was upset about her exam results.

3. kitchen noun [ki-chuhn]

A room where food is cooked and prepared.

◼ Example: The kitchen is my favorite place in the house.

4. basket noun [bas-kit]

A container used to carry or store things, typically made from interwoven strips of cane or wire.

◼ Example: She carried her books in a large basket.

5. science fiction noun [sahy-uhns fik-shuhn]

A type of literature that tells stories about science and future events.

◼ Example: "Star Wars" is a popular science fiction movie.

6. dangerous adjective [deyn-juhr-uhs]

Likely to cause harm; not safe.

◼ Example: Driving too fast is dangerous.

7. support verb [suh-port]

To agree with and give encouragement to someone or something because you want him, her, or it to succeed.

◼ Example: We support the local football team.

8. dry adjective [drahy]

Not wet or moist.

◼ Example: The clothes should be dry by now.

9. lots of phrase [lots ov]

A large number or amount.

◼ Example: She has lots of friends.

10. understand verb [uhn-der-stand]

To know the meaning of something that someone says.

◼ Example: Do you understand English?


Give the word being asked for each number.

◼ a glass of

◼ upset

◼ kitchen

◼ basket

◼ science fiction

◼ dangerous

◼ support

◼ dry

◼ lots

◼ understand

____________________1. Refers to a quantity that would fill a glass.

____________________2. To make someone worried, unhappy, or angry.

____________________3. A room where food is cooked and prepared.

____________________4. A container used to carry or store things, typically made from interwoven strips of cane or wire.

____________________5. A type of literature that tells stories about science and future events.

____________________6. Likely to cause harm; not safe.

____________________7. To agree with and give encouragement to someone or something because you want him, her, or it to succeed.

____________________8. Not wet or moist.

____________________9. A large number or amount.

____________________10. To know the meaning of something that someone says.


Choose the correct words to complete the sentences below.

1) He was very _____________ when he heard the bad news.

a. Upset

b. Dry

c. Kitchen

d. Basket

2) Can I have _____________ water, please?

a. A glass of

b. Dangerous

c. Understand

d. Lots of

3) He's a big fan of _____________ books and movies.

a. Science fiction

b. Support

c. Upset

d. Dry

4) We need to _____________ each other in times of difficulty.

a. Support

b. Basket

c. Dangerous

d. A glass of

5) It's _____________ to go swimming in a thunderstorm.

a. Dry

b. Dangerous

c. Lots of

d. Kitchen