
ボキャブラリー レッスン120


1. lovely adjective [luhv-lee]

Attractive or beautiful especially in a graceful way.

◼ Example: She has a lovely smile.

2. stomachache noun [stuhm-uhk-eyk]

Pain in the stomach or abdomen.

◼ Example: He couldn't attend school today due to a severe stomachache.

3. amazing adjective [uh-mey-zing]

Causing great surprise or wonder; astonishing.

◼ Example: The view from the mountain top was truly amazing.

4. captain noun [kap-tin]

The person in command of a ship; the leader of a team, especially in sports.

◼ Example: The captain led his team to victory in the final match.

5. look well phrase [look wel]

To appear healthy or in good condition.

◼ Example: She doesn't look well today, I think she should go to the doctor.

6. meat noun [meet]

The flesh of animals as used for food.

◼ Example: He doesn't eat meat because he's a vegetarian.

7. pool noun [pool]

A small area of still water, typically one formed naturally.

◼ Example: We spent the afternoon by the pool.

8. could modal verb [kood]

Used to indicate possibility.

◼ Example: He could be home by now, but I'm not sure.

9. actually adverb [ak-choo-uh-lee]

As the truth or facts of a situation; really.

◼ Example: I actually didn't go to the concert, I was too tired.

10. fast adverb [fast]

At high speed; quickly.

◼ Example: She runs very fast.


Give the word being asked for each number.

◼ lovely

◼ stomachache

◼ amazing

◼ captain

◼ look well

◼ meat

◼ pool

◼ could

◼ actually

◼ fast

____________________1. Attractive or beautiful especially in a graceful way.

____________________2. Pain in the stomach or abdomen.

____________________3. Causing great surprise or wonder; astonishing.

____________________4. The person in command of a ship; the leader of a team, especially in sports.

____________________5. To appear healthy or in good condition.

____________________6. The flesh of animals as used for food.

____________________7. A small area of still water, typically one formed naturally.

____________________8. Used to indicate possibility.

____________________9. As the truth or facts of a situation; really.

____________________10. At high speed; quickly.


Choose the correct words to complete the sentences below.

1) You _____________ join us for dinner if you like.

a. Lovely

b. Could

c. Stomachache

d. Fast

2) The _____________ of the football team is an experienced player.

a. Captain

b. Pool

c. Amazing

d. Meat

3) He had a _____________ after eating too much.

a. Pool

b. Stomachache

c. Fast

d. Could

4) She's a/an _____________ runner, she always wins the race.

a. Fast

b. Meat

c. Look well

d. Captain

5) This painting is _____________, I've never seen anything like it.

a. Amazing

b. Stomachache

c. Could

d. Meat