
ボキャブラリー レッスン118


1. copy verb, noun [kop-ee]

To reproduce or duplicate something; a duplication or reproduction of an original.

◼ Example: Please copy the notes from the board.

2. half noun, adjective [haf, hahf]

One of two equal parts into which something can be divided.

◼ Example: I ate half of the pizza.

3. deep adjective [deep]

Going far down from the top or surface; profound or intense.

◼ Example: The lake is very deep.

4. careful adjective [care-ful]

Taking care or precautions to avoid mistakes or accidents.

◼ Example: Be careful when you cross the street.

5. attend verb [uh-tend]

To go to an event, school, or a place as part of your work.

◼ Example: He attends a local high school.

6. these days adverb phrase [theez deyz]

In the present time or recently.

◼ Example: These days, I'm very busy with work.

7. fresh adjective [fresh]

Newly made or obtained; not stale or spoiled.

◼ Example: These vegetables are very fresh.

8. thing noun [thing]

An object, item, or topic.

◼ Example: This is my favorite thing in the museum.

9. forget verb [for-get]

To fail to remember or recall something.

◼ Example: I forgot to bring my umbrella.

10. easy adjective [ee-zee]

Not hard to do or understand; not difficult.

◼ Example: The test was easy, I answered all the questions.


Give the word being asked for each number.

◼ copy

◼ half

◼ deep

◼ careful

◼ attend

◼ these days

◼ fresh

◼ thing

◼ forget

◼ easy

____________________1. To reproduce or duplicate something; a duplication or reproduction of an original.

____________________2. One of two equal parts into which something can be divided.

____________________3. Going far down from the top or surface; profound or intense.

____________________4. Taking care or precautions to avoid mistakes or accidents.

____________________5. To go to an event, school, or a place as part of your work.

____________________6. In the present time or recently.

____________________7. Newly made or obtained; not stale or spoiled.

____________________8. An object, item, or topic.

____________________9. To fail to remember or recall something.

____________________10. Not hard to do or understand; not difficult.


Choose the correct words to complete the sentences below.

1) I always _____________ my homework. It's a bad habit.

a. Forget

b. Attend

c. Copy

d. Thing

2) _____________ apples are the best for making apple pie.

a. These days

b. Half

c. Fresh

d. Deep

3) The water in the ocean is very _____________.

a. Deep

b. Careful

c. Half

d. Easy

4) He needs to _____________ the meeting tomorrow.

a. Attend

b. Easy

c. Fresh

d. Forget

5) This math problem is so _____________. I solved it in a minute.

a. These days

b. Thing

c. Half

d. Easy