
ボキャブラリー レッスン117


1. laugh at phrase [lahf at]

To make fun of or ridicule someone or something by laughing.

◼ Example: It's not nice to laugh at someone when they make a mistake.

2. damage verb, noun [dam-ij]

To harm or cause destruction to something; harm or injury.

◼ Example: The storm damaged the roof of our house.

3. hear of verb phrase [heer uhv]

To know about someone or something.

◼ Example: I've heard of that band; their music is really good.

4. go home verb phrase [goh hohm]

To return to one's house or place of residence.

◼ Example: After work, I usually go home and relax.

5. figure noun [fig-yer]

A number representing a statistical value, or a person's shape.

◼ Example: According to recent figures, unemployment rates have dropped.

6. rich adjective [rich]

Having a lot of money or wealth; full of a particular quality.

◼ Example: He became rich after starting his own company.

7. kill verb [kil]

To cause the death of a living organism.

◼ Example: Pesticides are used to kill insects that damage crops.

8. turn on verb phrase [turn on]

To activate or cause a device to start functioning.

◼ Example: Please turn on the lights; it's getting dark.

9. funny adjective [fuhn-ee]

Causing laughter; amusing or humorous.

◼ Example: She told a funny joke that made everyone laugh.

10. button noun [buht-n]

A small device you press to make a machine or device work.

◼ Example: Press the button to start the computer.


Give the word being asked for each number.

◼ laugh at

◼ damage

◼ hear of

◼ go home

◼ figure

◼ rich

◼ kill

◼ turn on

◼ funny

◼ button

____________________1. A number representing a statistical value, or a person's shape.

____________________2. Having a lot of money or wealth; full of a particular quality.

____________________3. To make fun of or ridicule someone or something by laughing.

____________________4. To activate or cause a device to start functioning.

____________________5. A small device you press to make a machine or device work.

____________________6. To cause the death of a living organism.

____________________7. To harm or cause destruction to something; harm or injury.

____________________8. To return to one's house or place of residence.

____________________9. Causing laughter; amusing or humorous.

____________________10. To know about someone or something.


Choose the correct words to complete the sentences below.

1) Please _____________ the TV. My favorite show is about to start.

a. Kill

b. Turn on

c. Laugh at

d. Go home

2) After the car accident, there was a lot of _____________ to his car.

a. Figure

b. Damage

c. Rich

d. Button

3) He is _____________ after starting his own successful company.

a. Kill

b. Button

c. Rich

d. Damage

4) Her jokes are so _____________. She always makes us laugh.

a. Go home

b. Funny

c. Turn on

d. Figure

5) I _____________ that actor. He has been in many films.

a. Kill

b. Button

c. Hear of

d. Rich