
ボキャブラリー レッスン116


1. horror noun [hor-er]

A feeling of great fear or shock.

◼ Example: The movie was a horror, full of ghosts and monsters.

2. drive verb [drahyv]

To operate a vehicle or travel somewhere in a vehicle.

◼ Example: He drives to work every day.

3. take place verb phrase [teyk pleys]

To happen, especially as planned or arranged.

◼ Example: The football match will take place next Sunday.

4. abroad adverb [uh-brawd]

In or to a foreign country.

◼ Example: She studied abroad in France.

5. on business adverbial phrase [on biz-nis]

Travelling or doing things as part of one's work.

◼ Example: He's in Tokyo on business for the week.

6. no one's (the) way home phrase [noh wuhnz (the) wey hohm]

A phrase that represents the journey or path that leads one back to their home or place of residence.

◼ Example: She knew she was on no one's way home when she got lost in the city.

7. common adjective [kom-uhn]

Happening often or existing in large numbers.

◼ Example: It's common to see dogs in this park.

8. wide adjective [wahyd]

Having a larger distance from one side to the other; broad.

◼ Example: The river is very wide at this point.

9. see the (a) doctor phrase [see the (a) dok-ter]

To visit a medical professional for health advice or treatment.

◼ Example: I need to see the doctor because I am not feeling well.

10. hobby noun [hob-ee]

An activity that one enjoys doing in their spare time.

◼ Example: Her hobby is painting.


Give the word being asked for each number.

◼ horror

◼ drive

◼ take place

◼ abroad

◼ on business

◼ no one's (the) way home

◼ common

◼ wide

◼ see the (a) doctor

◼ hobby

____________________1. An activity that one enjoys doing in their spare time.

____________________2. Travelling or doing things as part of one's work.

____________________3. A feeling of great fear or shock.

____________________4. To operate a vehicle or travel somewhere in a vehicle.

____________________5. To visit a medical professional for health advice or treatment.

____________________6. A phrase that represents the journey or path that leads one back to their home or place of residence.

____________________7. In or to a foreign country.

____________________8. To happen, especially as planned or arranged.

____________________9. Happening often or existing in large numbers.

____________________10. Having a larger distance from one side to the other; broad.


Choose the correct words to complete the sentences below.

1) This film is a _____________. I can't watch it alone.

a. Hobby

b. Horror

c. Business

d. Doctor

2) I _____________ to work every day. It's a common routine for me.

a. Wide

b. Drive

c. Abroad

d. Business

3) The meeting will _____________ in Tokyo next week.

a. See the doctor

b. Hobby

c. Take place

d. No one's way home

4) I am going _____________ for my studies. I will be studying in France.

a. Wide

b. Abroad

c. Horror

d. Drive

5) I feel sick. I need to _____________ tomorrow.

a. See the doctor

b. Hobby

c. Take place

d. Drive