
ボキャブラリー レッスン114


1. program noun [proh-gram]

A plan of things that are done in order to achieve a specific result.

◼ Example: The program for today includes a meeting with the team.

2. hide verb [hyd]

To put or keep out of sight; conceal from the view or notice of others.

◼ Example: He hid the gift behind his back.

3. necessary adjective [nes-uh-ser-ee]

Needed to be done, achieved, or present; essential.

◼ Example: It is necessary to finish the work on time.

4. pull verb [pul]

To hold something firmly and use force in order to move it towards you.

◼ Example: She pulled the door open.

5. boil verb [boyl]

To heat a liquid until it reaches the temperature at which it bubbles and turns to vapor.

◼ Example: Boil the water before adding the pasta.

6. laugh verb [laf]

To express mirth, pleasure, derision, or nervousness with an audible, vocal expulsion of air from the lungs.

◼ Example: His joke made everyone laugh.

7. activity noun [ak-tiv-uh-tee]

Something that you do for enjoyment; an action or actions that someone does.

◼ Example: Reading is her favorite activity.

8. phone noun [fohn]

A device used for making calls and other functions, like a smartphone or a landline telephone.

◼ Example: I can't find my phone anywhere.

9. get back (to) phrase [get bak (tu)]

To return to a person, place, or condition, or to respond to someone after a pause or delay.

◼ Example: I'll get back to you with the details later.

10. come back verb [kuhm bak]

To return to a place or person.

◼ Example: He said he would come back after an hour.


Give the word being asked for each number.

◼ program

◼ hide

◼ necessary

◼ pull

◼ boil

◼ laugh

◼ activity

◼ phone

◼ get back (to)

◼ come back

____________________1. A plan of things that are done in order to achieve a specific result.

____________________2. To put or keep out of sight; conceal from the view or notice of others.

____________________3. Needed to be done, achieved, or present; essential.

____________________4. To hold something firmly and use force in order to move it towards you.

____________________5. To heat a liquid until it reaches the temperature at which it bubbles and turns to vapor.

____________________6. To express mirth, pleasure, derision, or nervousness with an audible, vocal expulsion of air from the lungs.

____________________7. Something that you do for enjoyment; an action or actions that someone does.

____________________8. A device used for making calls and other functions, like a smartphone or a landline telephone.

____________________9. To return to a person, place, or condition, or to respond to someone after a pause or delay.

____________________10. To return to a place or person.


Choose the correct words to complete the sentences below.

1) The _____________ for today includes a team meeting.

a. Program

b. Boil

c. Laugh

d. Activity

2) I can't find my _____________ anywhere.

a. Necessary

b. Phone

c. Activity

d. Pull

3) He said he would _____________ after an hour.

a. Come back

b. Phone

c. Boil

d. Laugh

4) Before you add the pasta, you need to _____________ the water.

a. Laugh

b. Hide

c. Boil

d. Pull

5) It's _____________ to complete all the tasks on time.

a. Necessary

b. Phone

c. Activity

d. Program