
ボキャブラリー レッスン113


1. in the morning (afternoon/evening) phrase [in thuh morn-ing (af-tuh-noon/eev-ning)]

During the period of time from sunrise to noon (morning), from noon to sunset (afternoon), or from sunset to bedtime (evening).

◼ Example: We will meet in the morning at the park.

2. dark adjective [dahrk]

Having very little or no light.

◼ Example: It's too dark in this room, turn on the lights.

3. give A back to B phrase [giv A bak tu B]

To return something to its original owner.

◼ Example: You need to give the book back to the library.

4. street noun [street]

A public road in a city, town, or village, typically with houses and buildings on one or both sides.

◼ Example: She lives on the same street as me.

5. shine verb [shyn]

To emit or reflect light.

◼ Example: The sun is shining brightly today.

6. do one's best phrase [doo wuhn's best]

To try as hard as one can.

◼ Example: He did his best to finish the work on time.

7. glove noun [gluhv]

A covering for the hand, typically made from cloth, leather, or rubber, that protects or warms the hand.

◼ Example: Don't forget to wear gloves, it's cold outside.

8. injure verb [in-jur]

To hurt or cause harm to.

◼ Example: He injured his knee while playing football.

9. serve verb [surv]

To perform duties or services for another person or an organization.

◼ Example: She has served the company for over 10 years.

10. adventure noun [ad-ven-chur]

An unusual, exciting, or daring experience.

◼ Example: They went on an adventure to find the lost treasure.


Give the word being asked for each number.

◼ in the morning (afternoon/evening)

◼ dark

◼ give A back to B

◼ street

◼ shine

◼ do one's best

◼ glove

◼ injure

◼ serve

◼ adventure

____________________1. During the period of time from sunrise to noon (morning), from noon to sunset (afternoon), or from sunset to bedtime (evening).

____________________2. Having very little or no light.

____________________3. To return something to its original owner.

____________________4. A public road in a city, town, or village, typically with houses and buildings on one or both sides.

____________________5. To emit or reflect light.

____________________6. To try as hard as one can.

____________________7. A covering for the hand, typically made from cloth, leather, or rubber, that protects or warms the hand.

____________________8. To hurt or cause harm to.

____________________9. To perform duties or services for another person or an organization.

____________________10. An unusual, exciting, or daring experience.


Choose the correct words to complete the sentences below.

1) It's really _____________ here, can we turn on the lights?

a. Adventure

b. Dark

c. Serve

d. Street

2) I forgot to _____________ the book to the library.

a. Shine

b. Give back

c. Street

d. Adventure

3) She's always willing to _____________ others.

a. Serve

b. Shine

c. Dark

d. Street

4) You should always _____________ when faced with challenges.

a. Glove

b. Do one's best

c. Injure

d. Street

5) She loves going on _____________ and exploring new places.

a. Injure

b. Adventure

c. Serve

d. In the morning