
ボキャブラリー レッスン112


1. grass noun [gras]

Green, leafy plants that cover the ground in fields, gardens, or parks.

◼ Example: The grass in our backyard needs mowing.

2. such as phrase [suhch az]

Used to give examples of a particular type.

◼ Example: I enjoy outdoor activities such as hiking and cycling.

3. point noun [point]

An idea or opinion among many in a discussion or an exact location or position.

◼ Example: She has a good point about the need for more security in schools.

4. grandfather noun [gran-fah-thər]

The father of one's mother or father.

◼ Example: My grandfather loves to tell stories about his childhood.

5. scene noun [seen]

A part of a play, movie, story, etc., in which a particular action or activity occurs.

◼ Example: The movie's final scene was very emotional.

6. be sick in bed phrase [bee sik in bed]

To be unwell and needing to stay in bed.

◼ Example: He can't come to school because he's sick in bed.

7. poor adjective [poo r]

Having little money or few possessions, or lack of something.

◼ Example: The poor child didn't even have shoes.

8. right now phrase [rait nau]

At this very moment.

◼ Example: I'm busy right now, can we talk later?

9. doughnut noun [doh-nuh t]

A round piece of sweet fried dough that is often filled with cream or jam.

◼ Example: I bought a box of doughnuts for breakfast.

10. at once phrase [at wuhns]

Immediately or all at the same time.

◼ Example: He left the room at once when his phone rang.


Give the word being asked for each number.

◼ grass

◼ such as

◼ point

◼ grandfather

◼ scene

◼ be sick in bed

◼ poor

◼ right now

◼ doughnut

◼ at once

____________________1. Green, leafy plants that cover the ground.

____________________2. Used to give examples of a particular type.

____________________3. An idea or opinion among many in a discussion or an exact location or position.

____________________4. The father of one's mother or father.

____________________5. A part of a play, movie, story, etc., in which a particular action or activity occurs.

____________________6. To be unwell and needing to stay in bed.

____________________7. Having little money or few possessions, or lack of something.

____________________8. At this very moment.

____________________9. A round piece of sweet fried dough that is often filled with cream or jam.

____________________10. Immediately or all at the same time.


Choose the correct words to complete the sentences below.

1) You need to act _____________ to avoid the risk.

a. Right now

b. Grass

c. Such as

d. Doughnut

2) My _____________ taught me how to ride a bike.

a. Point

b. Grandfather

c. Scene

d. Poor

3) She likes desserts _____________ ice cream and doughnuts.

a. Right now

b. Such as

c. Scene

d. Be sick in bed

4) He's not coming to school because he's _____________.

a. Grass

b. Be sick in bed

c. At once

d. Doughnut

5) They were so _____________, they couldn't afford a proper meal.

a. Scene

b. Grass

c. Poor

d. Right now