
ボキャブラリー レッスン111


1. instead of preposition [in-sted of]

Used to say that one thing is replaced by another or happens in its place.

◼ Example: I drink tea instead of coffee in the mornings.

2. act verb [akt]

To do something for a particular purpose or in order to deal with a situation.

◼ Example: The firefighters acted quickly to put out the fire.

3. this morning adverb [this mawr-ning]

Refers to the morning of the current day.

◼ Example: I woke up early this morning to watch the sunrise.

4. where to verb [hwer to]

Used to talk about the place or direction that someone must choose or decide on.

◼ Example: I'm not sure where to go for lunch today.

5. parking noun [pahr-king]

The act of leaving a car, bicycle etc. in a particular place for a period of time.

◼ Example: The hotel has a free parking lot for guests.

6. as usual adverb [az yoo-zhoo-al]

In the normal or typical manner or way.

◼ Example: As usual, he was the last to leave the office.

7. be happy to verb [bee hapi to]

To be glad or pleased to do something.

◼ Example: I'd be happy to help you move your furniture.

8. turn off verb [turn off]

To stop the operation, activity or flow of; to switch off.

◼ Example: Please turn off the lights when you leave the room.

9. broken adjective [broh-ken]

Damaged or shattered; not working correctly or not at all.

◼ Example: The chair is broken, so don't sit on it.

10. round adjective [round]

Having a circular shape.

◼ Example: The table in my dining room is round.


Give the word being asked for each number.

◼ instead of

◼ act

◼ this morning

◼ where to

◼ parking

◼ as usual

◼ be happy to

◼ turn off

◼ broken

◼ round

____________________1. Used to say that one thing is replaced by another or happens in its place.

____________________2. To do something for a particular purpose or in order to deal with a situation.

____________________3. Refers to the morning of the current day.

____________________4. Used to talk about the place or direction that someone must choose or decide on.

____________________5. The act of leaving a car, bicycle etc. in a particular place for a period of time.

____________________6. In the normal or typical manner or way.

____________________7. To be glad or pleased to do something.

____________________8. To stop the operation, activity or flow of; to switch off.

____________________9. Damaged or shattered; not working correctly or not at all.

____________________10. Having a circular shape.


Choose the correct words to complete the sentences below.

1) I arrived at work early _____________.

a. round

b. as usual

c. broken

d. parking

2) You should _____________ the TV before going to bed.

a. turn off

b. parking

c. where to

d. be happy to

3) He decided to take the bus _____________ driving to work.

a. broken

b. instead of

c. act

d. round

4) The mirror is _____________, it needs to be replaced.

a. act

b. as usual

c. broken

d. turn off

5) Can I have coffee _____________ tea?

a. Round

b. Act

c. Instead of

d. Parking