
ボキャブラリー レッスン110


1. reporter noun [rih-port-er]

A person who writes news stories or articles for a newspaper, magazine, or television or radio station.

◼ Example: The reporter asked the politician some tough questions.

2. judge noun [juhj]

A person who has the power to make decisions on cases brought before a court of law.

◼ Example: The judge will deliver the verdict tomorrow.

3. air noun [air]

The mixture of gases that surrounds the earth and that we breathe.

◼ Example: The air in the countryside is so fresh and clean.

4. belt noun [belt]

A band of flexible material worn around the waist to support clothes or for decoration.

◼ Example: He forgot to wear his belt today.

5. century noun [sen-chuh-ree]

A period of 100 years.

◼ Example: This castle was built in the 14th century.

6. change trains phrase [cheynj treynz]

To get off one train and get on another in order to reach your destination.

◼ Example: You will need to change trains at the next station.

7. leave for phrase [leev fawr]

To go somewhere for a particular purpose.

◼ Example: They will leave for their vacation tomorrow.

8. get up phrase [get uhp]

To rise from bed after sleeping.

◼ Example: He usually gets up at 6 a.m.

9. everybody pronoun [ev-ree-buh-dee]

Every person.

◼ Example: Everybody needs to be here on time.

10. plant noun [plant]

A living organism that grows in the earth and has a stem, leaves, and roots, often producing flowers and fruit.

◼ Example: She has many plants in her house.


Give the word being asked for each number.

◼ reporter

◼ judge

◼ air

◼ belt

◼ century

◼ change trains

◼ leave for

◼ get up

◼ everybody

◼ plant

____________________1. A person who writes news stories or articles for a newspaper, magazine, or television or radio station.

____________________2. A person who has the power to make decisions on cases brought before a court of law.

____________________3. The mixture of gases that surrounds the earth and that we breathe.

____________________4. A band of flexible material worn around the waist to support clothes or for decoration.

____________________5. A period of 100 years.

____________________6. To get off one train and get on another in order to reach your destination.

____________________7. To go somewhere for a particular purpose.

____________________8. To rise from bed after sleeping.

____________________9. Every person.

____________________10. A living organism that grows in the earth and has a stem, leaves, and roots, often producing flowers and fruit.


Choose the correct words to complete the sentences below.

1) The _____________ asked some really tough questions.

a. Air

b. Reporter

c. Belt

d. Plant

2) I have to _____________ to reach my destination.

a. Century

b. Leave for

c. Get up

d. Change trains

3) The flowers in her garden are all beautiful, _____________ loves them.

a. Everybody

b. Judge

c. Air

d. Century

4) You should _____________ early to start your day.

a. Get up

b. Judge

c. Belt

d. Plant

5) The _____________ around here is very clean and fresh.

a. Air

b. Belt

c. Century

d. Judge