
ボキャブラリー レッスン107


1. a little phrase [uh lit-l]

A small amount.

◼ Example: Could I have a little more tea?

2. neighbor noun [ney-ber]

A person living near or next door to the speaker or person referred to.

◼ Example: My neighbors are very friendly.

3. carefully adverb [kar-ful-lee]

In a way that deliberately avoids harm or errors; cautiously.

◼ Example: She carefully placed the vase on the table.

4. hear from phrase [heer fruhm]

Receive a letter or phone call from someone as a way of receiving information.

◼ Example: We hope to hear from you soon.

5. online adjective [on-lahyn]

Controlled by or connected to a computer or the internet.

◼ Example: She does most of her shopping online.

6. lend verb [lend]

Grant to (someone) the use of (something) on the understanding that it shall be returned.

◼ Example: Can you lend me your pen?

7. wake up phrase [weyk uhp]

Stop sleeping; rouse from sleep.

◼ Example: I wake up at 7 am every day.

8. guy noun [guy]

Informal term for a man.

◼ Example: He's a really nice guy.

9. spot noun [spot]

A particular place or point.

◼ Example: This is my favorite spot in the park.

10. billion number [bil-yuhn]

The number equivalent to the product of a thousand and a million; 1,000,000,000.

◼ Example: The company has a net worth of several billion dollars.


Give the word being asked for each number.

◼ a little

◼ neighbor

◼ carefully

◼ hear from

◼ online

◼ lend

◼ wake up

◼ guy

◼ spot

◼ billion

____________________1. A small amount.

____________________2. A person living near or next door to the speaker or person referred to.

____________________3. In a way that deliberately avoids harm or errors; cautiously.

____________________4. Receive a letter or phone call from someone as a way of receiving information.

____________________5. Controlled by or connected to a computer or the internet.

____________________6. Grant to (someone) the use of (something) on the understanding that it shall be returned.

____________________7. Stop sleeping; rouse from sleep.

____________________8. Informal term for a man.

____________________9. A particular place or point.

____________________10. The number equivalent to the product of a thousand and a million; 1,000,000,000.


Choose the correct words to complete the sentences below.

1) Could I have _____________ more tea?

a. A little

b. Billion

c. Online

d. Wake up

2) My _____________ are very friendly.

a. Guy

b. Spot

c. Neighbor

d. Lend

3) She _____________ placed the vase on the table.

a. Wake up

b. Carefully

c. Hear from

d. Online

4) We hope to _____________ you soon.

a. Online

b. Lend

c. Hear from

d. Billion

5) She does most of her shopping _____________.

a. Neighbor

b. Online

c. A little

d. Spot