
ボキャブラリー レッスン105


1. sell verb [sel]

Give or hand over (something) in exchange for money.

◼ Example: He sells used cars for a living.

2. café noun [ka-fey]

A small restaurant selling light meals and drinks.

◼ Example: We met at a local café for a cup of coffee.

3. wonder verb [wuhn-der]

Desire or be curious to know something.

◼ Example: I wonder what the weather will be like tomorrow.

4. comfortable adjective [kuhm-fer-tuh-buhl]

Providing physical ease and relaxation.

◼ Example: These shoes are very comfortable for walking.

5. manager noun [man-ij-er]

A person responsible for controlling or administering all or part of a company or similar organization.

◼ Example: He is the manager of a successful retail store.

6. find verb [fahynd]

Discover or perceive by chance or unexpectedly.

◼ Example: I found a dollar on the street today.

7. planet noun [plan-it]

A celestial body moving in an elliptical orbit around a star.

◼ Example: Earth is the third planet from the sun.

8. award noun [uh-wawrd]

A thing such as a medal or trophy awarded as a mark of victory or an honor.

◼ Example: She won an award for her outstanding research.

9. produce verb [proh-doos]

Make or manufacture from components or raw materials.

◼ Example: The factory produces electronic devices.

10. furniture noun [fur-ni-cher]

Large movable equipment, such as tables and chairs, used to make a house, office, or other space suitable for living or working.

◼ Example: We bought some new furniture for our living room.


Give the word being asked for each number.

◼ sell

◼ café

◼ wonder

◼ comfortable

◼ manager

◼ find

◼ planet

◼ award

◼ produce

◼ furniture

____________________1. Give or hand over (something) in exchange for money.

____________________2. A small restaurant selling light meals and drinks.

____________________3. Desire or be curious to know something.

____________________4. Providing physical ease and relaxation.

____________________5. A person responsible for controlling or administering all or part of a company or similar organization.

____________________6. Discover or perceive by chance or unexpectedly.

____________________7. A celestial body moving in an elliptical orbit around a star.

____________________8. A thing such as a medal or trophy awarded as a mark of victory or an honor.

____________________9. Make or manufacture from components or raw materials.

____________________10. Large movable equipment, such as tables and chairs, used to make a house, office, or other space suitable for living or working.


Choose the correct words to complete the sentences below.

1) He _____________ used cars for a living.

a. Sell

b. Café

c. Find

d. Furniture

2) We met at a local _____________ for a cup of coffee.

a. Planet

b. Café

c. Produce

d. Comfortable

3) I _____________ what the weather will be like tomorrow.

a. Wonder

b. Manager

c. Award

d. Sell

4) These shoes are very _____________ for walking.

a. Comfortable

b. Café

c. Planet

d. Sell

5) He is the _____________ of a successful retail store.

a. Planet

b. Award

c. Manager

d. Comfortable