
ボキャブラリー レッスン102


1. start doing phrase [start doo-ing]

Begin to do or perform.

◼ Example: I'm going to start doing yoga to improve my flexibility.

2. show A around phrase [shoh A uh-round]

Guide or escort (someone) around a place.

◼ Example: Let me show you around our new office.

3. offer verb [aw-fer]

Present or proffer (something) for (someone) to accept or reject as desired.

◼ Example: They offered me a job in their company.

4. performance noun [per-fawr-muhns]

The action or process of performing a task or function.

◼ Example: His performance in the tournament was exceptional.

5. exam noun [ig-zam]

A formal test of a person's knowledge or proficiency in a particular subject or skill.

◼ Example: I have an English exam tomorrow.

6. secret adjective [see-krit]

Not known or seen or not meant to be known or seen by others.

◼ Example: We planned a secret surprise party for her birthday.

7. for a while phrase [fawr uh hwahyl]

For a short period of time.

◼ Example: I haven't seen them for a while.

8. pocket noun [pok-it]

A small bag sewn into or on clothing so as to form part of it, used for carrying small articles.

◼ Example: He put his keys in his pocket.

9. midnight noun [mid-nahyt]

Twelve o'clock at night.

◼ Example: We arrived home just before midnight.

10. boring adjective [bohr-ing]

Not interesting; tedious.

◼ Example: I found the lecture really boring.


Give the word being asked for each number.

◼ start doing

◼ show A around

◼ offer

◼ performance

◼ exam

◼ secret

◼ for a while

◼ pocket

◼ midnight

◼ boring

____________________1. Begin to do or perform.

____________________2. Guide or escort (someone) around a place.

____________________3. Present or proffer (something) for (someone) to accept or reject as desired.

____________________4. The action or process of performing a task or function.

____________________5. A formal test of a person's knowledge or proficiency in a particular subject or skill.

____________________6. Not known or seen or not meant to be known or seen by others.

____________________7. For a short period of time.

____________________8. A small bag sewn into or on clothing so as to form part of it, used for carrying small articles.

____________________9. Twelve o'clock at night.

____________________10. Not interesting; tedious.


Choose the correct words to complete the sentences below.

1) I'm going to _____________ yoga to improve my flexibility.

a. Start doing

b. Performance

c. Pocket

d. Midnight

2) Let me _____________ our new office.

a. Show A around

b. Exam

c. For a while

d. Boring

3) They _____________ me a job in their company.

a. Start doing

b. Offer

c. Midnight

d. Pocket

4) His _____________ in the tournament was exceptional.

a. Show A around

b. Performance

c. Secret

d. Boring

5) I have an English _____________ tomorrow.

a. Exam

b. For a while

c. Pocket

d. Boring