
ボキャブラリー レッスン101


1. not A but B phrase [not A but B]

Used to express that the first thing mentioned is not true or relevant, while the second one is.

◼ Example: He's not my friend but my brother.

2. inside preposition, adverb [in-sahyd]

In or into the interior of something.

◼ Example: I left my keys inside the car.

3. typhoon noun [tahy-foon]

A tropical storm in the region of the Indian or western Pacific oceans.

◼ Example: A powerful typhoon hit the coastal areas of Japan.

4. appear verb [uh-peer]

Come into sight; become visible or noticeable.

◼ Example: The sun appears in the east and sets in the west.

5. be full of phrase [be fuhl of]

Containing or holding as much or as many as possible; having no empty space.

◼ Example: The box is full of old books.

6. expensive adjective [ik-spen-siv]

Costing a lot of money.

◼ Example: That's a very expensive watch.

7. be different from phrase [be dif-er-uhnt from]

Not the same as; distinct from.

◼ Example: My opinion is different from yours.

8. interesting adjective [in-ter-es-ting]

Engaging or exciting and holding the attention or curiosity.

◼ Example: The movie was very interesting.

9. write back phrase [rahyt bak]

Respond to someone by writing a letter or email in return to their letter or email.

◼ Example: I wrote back to her immediately after receiving her letter.

10. correct adjective [kuh-rekt]

In accordance with fact, truth, or reason; accurate or exact.

◼ Example: His answer was correct.


Give the word being asked for each number.

◼ not A but B

◼ inside

◼ typhoon

◼ appear

◼ be full of

◼ expensive

◼ be different from

◼ interesting

◼ write back

◼ correct

____________________1. Used to express that the first thing mentioned is not true or relevant, while the second one is.

____________________2. In or into the interior of something.

____________________3. A tropical storm in the region of the Indian or western Pacific oceans.

____________________4. Come into sight; become visible or noticeable.

____________________5. Containing or holding as much or as many as possible; having no empty space.

____________________6. Costing a lot of money.

____________________7. Not the same as; distinct from.

____________________8. Engaging or exciting and holding the attention or curiosity.

____________________9. Respond to someone by writing a letter or email in return to their letter or email.

____________________10. In accordance with fact, truth, or reason; accurate or exact.


Choose the correct words to complete the sentences below.

1) He's _____________ my friend, he's my brother.

a. Not A but B

b. Inside

c. Typhoon

d. Correct

2) I left my keys _____________ the car.

a. Not A but B

b. Inside

c. Be full of

d. Interesting

3) A powerful _____________ hit the coastal areas of Japan.

a. Typhoon

b. Appear

c. Expensive

d. Be different from

4) The stars _____________ in the sky at night.

a. Typhoon

b. Appear

c. Write back

d. Correct

5) The box is _____________ old books.

a. Not A but B

b. Inside

c. Be full of

d. Interesting