英検対策3級(Eiken Grade 3)

スピーキング テキスト36

In Japan, there are many different kinds of birds in forests and mountains. Bird-watching is enjoyable and relaxing, that is why many people do it as a hobby. There are several bird-watching tours in every season.


No. 1
Please look at the passage. Why do many people do bird-watching as a hobby?

No. 2
Please look at the picture. How many birds can you see flying in the sky?

No. 3
Please look at the woman wearing a hat. What is she going to do?
Now, Mr. / Ms. ___________, please turn the card over.

No. 4
What do you usually do before going to sleep?

No. 5
Do you enjoy studying English?
Yes: How do you study English?
No: Why not??