英検対策3級(Eiken Grade 3)

スピーキング テキスト34

In Japan, there are many places where people can play golf. Golf is popular with both men and women because it is a good sport to enjoy with friends. However, it takes a lot of practice to be good at golf.


No. 1
Please look at the passage. Why is golf popular with both men and women?

No. 2
Please look at the picture. What is the man holding in his hands?

No. 3
Please look at the woman. What is she going to do?
Now, Mr. / Ms. ___________, please turn the card over.

No. 4
What are you planning to do next summer vacation?

No. 5
Did you do anything special yesterday?
Yes: Please tell me more.
No: What do you usually do on Saturdays?