英検対策3級(Eiken Grade 3)


Japan is most famous for the food sushi. It basically has vinegared sushi rice and raw fish or other seafood. It is commonly dipped in shoyu, soy sauce and flavoured with wasabi. Japanese love this because it's low in fat and very nutritious. It is raw so no additional fats are added to it through cooking. Families usually go to kaiten zushi to enjoy this very delicious food.


No. 1
Please look at the passage. What is sushi made of?

No. 2
Please look at the passage. Why do Japanese people love sushi?

No. 3
Please look at the man on the lower right side of the picture. What do you think he's doing?
Now, Mr./Ms. ________, please turn the card over.

No. 4
What do you usually do with your friends?

No. 5
Do you prefer staying at home or having fun outside your house?
At home. à Why?
Outside. à Why