英検対策3級(Eiken Grade 3)


Children's Day is a national holiday in Japan that is celebrated on the 5th of May. It is the day to respect the personalities of children and to celebrate their happiness. Before the 5th of May, families raise koinobori flags for their sons and display a Kintaro doll riding a large carp, and the traditional Japanese military helmet called kabuto. These two are symbols of a strong and healthy boy.


No. 1
Please look at the passage. Why do Japanese people celebrate Children's Day?

No. 2
Please look at the passage. What do kintaro and kabuto symbolize?

No. 3
Please look at the picture. What are the people looking at?
Now, Mr./Ms. ________, please turn the card over.

No. 4
What do you like to do on weekends?

No. 5
Do you like to celebrate your birthday?