英検対策3級(Eiken Grade 3)


Both Japanese people and foreign visitors love to go to the biggest wholesale fish and seafood market in the world, the tsukiji market. The market is open almost everyday except on Sundays, holidays and some Wednesdays. It opens at 3 o'clock in the morning with the arrival and unloading of products. The unloading of tons of frozen tuna is the most impressive of all.


No. 1
Please look at the passage. What time does the market open?

No. 2
Please look at the passage. What product is the most impressive to unload?

No. 3
Please look at the man on the left. What is he doing?
Now, Mr./Ms. ________, please turn the card over.

No. 4
What is your favorite dish?

No. 5
Do you like pets?
Yes. à What kind of animals would you like to have?
No. à Why not?