
ボキャブラリー レッスン9


1. Common adjective [kom-uhn]

belonging equally to or equally shared by two or more; relating to the public or pertaining to the entire community; widespread, general or ordinary

◼ Example: Almost all the people in our community share a common passion for teaching.
◻ Note: What are the things that you and your friends have in common?

2. Effective adjective [ih-fek-tiv]

producing the expected or intended outcome

◼ Example: The new policy is effective in maintaining orderliness at school.
in effect or in operation
◼ Example: The new law will be effective on August 4th.
giving a striking impression
◼ Example: That was indeed an effective painting.
◻ Note: Give an effective way of remembering new words.

3. Certain adjective [sur-tn]

definite and free from doubt; assured to happen; established truth

◼ Example: We are certain that he will win.
◻ Note: ‘For certain’ is used in sentences as an adverb. ”He will join that political party for certain.”

4. Material noun [muh-teer-ee-uhl]

the substance or substances that is/are used to make something; a raw matter to be used to make something

◼ Example: We now have to order the materials that will be used in constructing the building.
a group of data, facts, ideas, etc., where an integrated work is based on

◼ Example: Let’s start gathering the materials we need for this research work.
◻ Note: What materials do you need in making an ‘origami’?

5. False adjective [fawls]

not true and contrary to the fact; coming from a mistaken idea; not genuine or real

◼ Example: He was accused of giving a false statement.
◻ Note: It can also be used as an adverb which means in a dishonest way: “Never speak false against anyone.”

6. Near adjective [neer]

close in position, time, space or degree; closely related by blood or association; intimate; short and direct

◼ Example: We will visit all the near cities in one month.
◼ Example: He’s a near relative.
◼ Example: Let’s take the nearest route to the country.
almost; close or to a place not far away; within, to or at a short distance
◼ Example: Go near the stage so you will have a closer look at their performance.
◻ Note: It can also be a verb which means to move towards: Be careful! You’re nearing the edge of the stairs.

7. Poisonous adjective [poi-zuh-nuhs]

containing poison which is capable of harming or killing; harmful or destructive

◼ Example: A snake’s bite can be poisonous.
◼ Example: She’s known for spreading poisonous rumors about famous actors and actresses.
◻ Note: Name some poisonous animals you know.

8. Similar adjective [sim-uh-ler]

alike in appearance or nature; having resemblances in characteristics or appearance

◼ Example: The twin sisters don’t just look alike, but they also have similar personalities.
◻ Note: What similar characteristics do you and your mother or father have?

9. Public adjective [puhb-lik]

concerning or affecting a population or a community as a whole

◼ Example: The leader of the country should win public trust.
maintained for, used, done, made by the people or the community

◼ Example: There was a newly built public park at the center of the town. open to all persons ◼ Example: The king’s palace was opened today for public viewing.
◻ Note: It can also be used as a noun which pertains to people.

10. Accurate adjective [ak-yer-it]

without any errors; exactly consistent with the fact, standard, rule or model

◼ Example: Make sure all the data are accurate.
◻ Note: This word also means careful and meticulous just like in “He is an accurate interpreter.”


Give the word being asked for each number.

◼ common

◼ effective

◼ false

◼ near

◼ certain

◼ material

◼ poisonous

◼ public

◼ similar

◼ accurate

____________________1. concerning or affecting a population or a community as a whole

____________________2. producing the expected or intended outcome

____________________3. alike in appearance or nature; having resemblances in characteristics or appearance

____________________4. the substance or substances that is/are used to make something; a raw matter to be used to make something

____________________5. without any errors; exactly consistent with the fact, standard, rule or model

____________________6. definite and free from doubt; assured to happen; established truth

____________________7. close in position, time, space or degree; closely related by blood or association; intimate; short and direct

____________________8. containing poison which is capable of harming or killing; harmful or destructive

____________________9. belonging equally to or equally shared by two or more; relating to the public or pertaining to the entire community; widespread, general or ordinary

____________________10. not true and contrary to the fact; coming from a mistaken idea; not genuine or real


Choose the correct words to complete the sentences below.

1) In any kind of research, ___________ facts and information should be given to establish the validity of the study.

a. false

b. accurate

c. near

d. common

2) He was immediately brought to the hospital after a __________ spider bit him. They think its bite could be harmful, even deadly.

a. fierce

b. poisonous

c. violent

d. brutal

3) Even the non-performing students have improved a lot academically because of her _________ teaching methods.

a. accurate

b. certain

c. effective

d. common

4) The __________ that they used in building the house are all high-end. They actually imported their resources from abroad.

a. costs

b. materials

c. ingredients

d. chemicals

5) They share __________ interests so they never argue about the things they want to do. They actually shared a lot of experiences together.

a. clear

b. public

c. common

d. near