
ボキャブラリー レッスン87


1. instead of phrase [in-sted uhv]

in place of; as an alternative or substitute

◼ Example: I decided to have tea instead of coffee this morning.

2. examination noun [ig-zam-uh-ney-shuhn]

a formal test or assessment to evaluate knowledge, skills, or abilities

◼ Example: She studied hard for her final examination.

3. firefighter noun [fahyuh r-fahy-ter]

a person who extinguishes fires and assists in firefighting operations

◼ Example: The brave firefighter rescued the people trapped inside the burning building.

4. knit verb [nit]

to create fabric by interlocking yarn or thread with needles

◼ Example: My grandmother taught me how to knit a scarf.

5. receipt noun [ri-seet]

a written acknowledgment of receiving something or the amount of money paid

◼ Example: Don't forget to keep the receipt in case you need to return the item.

6. sense noun [sens]

a faculty by which the body perceives an external stimulus; a feeling or perception

◼ Example: The dog has a keen sense of smell.

7. get away from phrase [get uh-wey from]

to escape or move away from a place or situation

◼ Example: I need to get away from the city and spend some time in nature.

8. either A or B phrase [ee-thur A or B]

used to present two options or possibilities

◼ Example: You can either take the bus or walk to the station.

9. flavor noun [fley-ver]

the distinctive taste or aroma of a food or drink

◼ Example: I love the flavor of freshly baked bread.

10. bar noun [bahr]

a place where alcoholic beverages are served; a counter or area for socializing and drinking

◼ Example: Let's meet at the bar for a drink after work.


Give the word being asked for each number.

◼ instead of

◼ examination

◼ firefighter

◼ knit

◼ receipt

◼ sense

◼ get away from

◼ either A or B

◼ flavor

◼ bar

____________________1. used to present two options or possibilities

____________________2. in place of; as an alternative or substitute

____________________3. to escape or move away from a place or situation

____________________4. to create fabric by interlocking yarn or thread with needles

____________________5. a written acknowledgment of receiving something or the amount of money paid

____________________6. a faculty by which the body perceives an external stimulus; a feeling or perception

____________________7. a person who extinguishes fires and assists in firefighting operations

____________________8. a formal test or assessment to evaluate knowledge, skills, or abilities

____________________9. the distinctive taste or aroma of a food or drink

____________________10. a place where alcoholic beverages are served; a counter or area for socializing and drinking


Choose the correct words to complete the sentences below.

1) As a ________________ , she undergoes rigorous training to handle emergencies.

a. instead of

b. examination

c. firefighter

d. sense

2) They decided to meet at a cozy ________________ downtown for drinks and conversation.

a. flavor

b. knit

c. bar

d. receipt

3) He opted for tea ________________ a sugary beverage for a healthier choice.

a. instead of

b. examination

c. firefighter

d. knit

4) Don't forget to keep the ________________ ; it serves as proof of purchase.

a. instead of

b. examination

c. flavor

d. receipt

5) Trust your instincts; your ________________ of judgment is valuable.

a. instead of

b. examination

c. firefighter

d. sense