
ボキャブラリー レッスン85


1. unfriendly adjective [uhn-frend-lee]

not kind or pleasant, not showing friendliness or warmth

◼ Example: The shopkeeper gave an unfriendly response when I asked for assistance.

2. by the side of idiom [bahy thuh sahyd uhv]

next to or beside something or someone

◼ Example: There is a beautiful garden by the side of the river.

3. temple noun [tem-puhl]

a building dedicated to religious or spiritual activities, often used for worship

◼ Example: We visited a famous Buddhist temple in Kyoto.

4. film noun [film]

a thin layer or sheet of material used for capturing or recording images, often used for movies or photography

◼ Example: I watched a romantic film at the cinema last night.

5. lift verb [lift]

to raise or move something or someone to a higher position or level

◼ Example: Please help me lift this heavy box.

6. at the (very) moment idiom [at thuh (ver-ee) moh-muhnt]

right now, at this precise time

◼ Example: He is busy with work at the moment, so he cannot come to the phone.

7. disappoint verb [dis-uh-point]

to fail to meet someone's expectations or hopes, to make someone feel sad or dissatisfied

◼ Example: The cancellation of the concert disappointed many fans.

8. over and over (again) idiom [oh-ver and oh-ver (uh-gen)]

repeatedly, happening again and again

◼ Example: She practiced the dance routine over and over again until she perfected it.

9. after a while idiom [af-ter uh wahyl]

after some time has passed, eventually

◼ Example: The rain stopped after a while, and we could continue our outdoor activities.

10. in the past idiom [in thuh past]

a time period that has already happened, before the present time

◼ Example: In the past, people relied on letters to communicate over long distances.


Give the word being asked for each number.

◼ unfriendly

◼ by the side of

◼ temple

◼ film

◼ lift

◼ at the (very) moment

◼ disappoint

◼ over and over (again)

◼ after a while

◼ in the past

____________________1. after some time has passed, eventually

____________________2. next to or beside something or someone

____________________3. not kind or pleasant, not showing friendliness or warmth

____________________4. right now, at this precise time

____________________5. to raise or move something or someone to a higher position or level

____________________6. a time period that has already happened, before the present time

____________________7. to fail to meet someone's expectations or hopes, to make someone feel sad or dissatisfied

____________________8. repeatedly, happening again and again

____________________9. a building dedicated to religious or spiritual activities, often used for worship

____________________10. a thin layer or sheet of material used for capturing or recording images, often used for movies or photography


Choose the correct words to complete the sentences below.

1) The new student seemed _____________, and nobody wanted to talk to him.

a. film

b. temple

c. unfriendly

d. disappoint

2) She waited ______________ the road for her friend to arrive.

a. over and over (again)

b. after a while

c. by the side of

d. in the past

3) The news of the cancellation of the event did ______________ many attendees who were looking forward to it.

a. lift

b. disappoint

c. film

d. unfriendly

4) The photographer carefully applied a thin layer of ___________ to the camera lens.

a. temple

b. in the past

c. film

d. lift

5) After practicing _____________, she finally mastered the dance routine.

a. at the (very) moment

b. over and over (again)

c. after a while

d. in the past