
ボキャブラリー レッスン81


1. negative adjective [neg-uh-tiv]

expressing denial, disagreement, or refusal; characterized by the absence or opposite of something

◼ Example: Don't focus on the negative aspects of the situation; try to find the positive.

2. pick A up phrasal verb [pik A uh-p]

to lift or take someone or something from one place to another

◼ Example: Can you pick me up from the airport tomorrow?

3. attract verb [uh-trakt]

to draw or pull someone or something towards oneself; to be appealing or interesting

◼ Example: The colorful advertisements are designed to attract customers to the new store.

4. ketchup noun [kehch-uhp]

a thick, tomato-based sauce commonly used as a condiment

◼ Example: I always put ketchup on my fries.

5. feel at home idiom [feel at hohm]

to feel comfortable and relaxed in a particular place or situation

◼ Example: After spending some time with my new colleagues, I started to feel at home in the office.

6. connect verb [kuh-nekt]

to link or join together; to establish a relationship or association

◼ Example: The bridge connects the two sides of the city.

7. various adjective [vair-ee-uhs]

of different kinds, diverse, having many different parts or aspects

◼ Example: The store offers various options for customers to choose from.

8. century noun [sen-choo-ree]

a period of 100 years; a division of time in history

◼ Example: The invention of the telephone took place in the 19th century.

9. trick noun [trik]

a clever or skillful action or method used to deceive or entertain

◼ Example: The magician performed an amazing card trick.

10. as if (though) idiom [az if (thoh)]

in a manner that suggests or gives the impression of something; expressing a hypothetical or unreal condition

◼ Example: She acted as if she had never met him before.


Give the word being asked for each number.

◼ negative

◼ pick A up

◼ attract

◼ ketchup

◼ feel at home

◼ connect

◼ various

◼ century

◼ trick

◼ as if (though)

____________________1. a thick, tomato-based sauce commonly used as a condiment

____________________2. to lift or take someone or something from one place to another

____________________3. a period of 100 years; a division of time in history

____________________4. expressing denial, disagreement, or refusal

____________________5. to feel comfortable and relaxed in a particular place or situation

____________________6.a clever or skillful action or method used to deceive or entertain

____________________7. of different kinds, diverse, having many different parts or aspects

____________________8. to link or join together; to establish a relationship or association

____________________9. to draw or pull someone or something towards oneself; to be appealing or interesting

____________________10. in a manner that suggests or gives the impression of something; expressing a hypothetical or unreal condition


Choose the correct words to complete the sentences below.

1) I can _______________ the package for you on my way home from work.

a. negative

b. pick up

c. attract

d. ketchup

2) I always put _______________ on my burger to enhance the flavor.

a. connect

b. attract

c. ketchup

d. negative

3) After redecorating, the living room feels cozy and welcoming. I finally _______________ in my own home.

a. feel at home

b. connect

c. various

d. trick

4) The discovery of electricity revolutionized the world in the 19th _______________.

a. century

b. negative

c. as if though

d. various

5) The magician's sleight of hand was a mind-boggling _______________.

a. connect

b. trick

c. various

d. attract