
ボキャブラリー レッスン75


1. To begin with phrase [too bih-gin widh]

used to introduce the first point or reason in a discussion or argument

◼ Example: To begin with, let's talk about the advantages of traveling abroad.

2. image noun [im-ij]

a representation or picture of someone or something

◼ Example: The artist created a beautiful image of a sunset on the beach.

3. weight noun [weyt]

the measure of how heavy something is

◼ Example: I need to exercise regularly to maintain a healthy weight.

4. cut off phrasal verb [kuht awf]

to stop the supply of something, to disconnect or separate

◼ Example: The electricity was cut off during the storm.

5. take off phrasal verb [teyk awf]

to leave the ground and start flying (for airplanes); to remove clothing or accessories quickly

◼ Example: The plane will take off in 10 minutes.

6. nothing special idiom [nuhth-ing spesh-uhl]

not extraordinary or noteworthy

◼ Example: The movie was okay, nothing special.

7. a couple of idiom [ah kuhp-uhl ov]

two or a small number of something

◼ Example: I bought a couple of apples from the grocery store.

8. combine verb [kuhm-bahyn]

to bring two or more things together to form a whole

◼ Example: You can combine the red and blue paint to create purple.

9. get lost idiom [get lawst]

to become lost or not know where you are

◼ Example: I wandered around the unfamiliar city and got lost.

10. I'm sorry to hear that phrase [ahym sor-ee too heer thuht]

an expression used to show sympathy or concern when someone shares bad news

◼ Example:
A: "I lost my wallet."
B: "Oh, I'm sorry to hear that."


Give the word being asked for each number.

◼ To begin with

◼ image

◼ weight

◼ cut off

◼ take off

◼ Nothing special

◼ a couple of

◼ combine

◼ get lost

◼ I'm sorry to hear that

____________________1. a representation or picture of someone or something

____________________2. to become lost or not know where you are

____________________3. not extraordinary or noteworthy

____________________4. to stop the supply of something, to disconnect or separate

____________________5. two or a small number of something

____________________6. the measure of how heavy something is

____________________7. used to introduce the first point or reason in a discussion or argument

____________________8. to bring two or more things together to form a whole

____________________9. an expression used to show sympathy or concern when someone shares bad news

____________________10. to leave the ground and start flying (for airplanes); to remove clothing or accessories quickly


Choose the correct words to complete the sentences below.

1) I lost my phone on the way home. B: Oh, ____________. That's unfortunate.

a. image

b. weight

c. cut off

d. I'm sorry to hear that

2) During the hike, be cautious not to ____________ in the dense forest.

a. combine

b. get lost

c. take off

d. nothing special

3) Let's ____________ our efforts to achieve a more effective result.

a. take off

b. combine

c. cut off

d. weight

4) We only have ____________ minutes left before the meeting starts.

a. image

b. weight

c. a couple of

d. I'm sorry to hear that

5) I was talking on the phone when suddenly the call ____________.

a. cut off

b. take off

c. combine

d. get lost