
ボキャブラリー レッスン7


1. explore verb [ik-splawr, -splohr]

to investigate, to examine carefully, to search or travel through a place to discover something

◼ Example: Please explore all the possibilities of getting a job in another country.

2. object verb [uhb-jekt]

to feel or express dislike or disapproval

◼ Example: He wanted us to travel tomorrow but I objected because there is a typhoon.

3. Occur verb [uh-kur]

to take place; come about; to happen; to be found

◼ Example: When did your wedding party occur?

4. overcome verb [oh-ver-kuhm]

to defeat or conquer, to win against

◼ Example: She finally overcame her fear of heights.

5. avoid verb [uh-void]

to keep away from a place, person or thing

◼ Example: My father drives carefully to avoid the holes in the road.

6. practice verb [prak-tis]

to do often or repeatedly, to do repeatedly to become good

◼ Example: To be a good English speaker, you have to practice many times.

7. affect verb [v. uh-fekt; n. af-ekt]

to have an influence on; effect a change in something or someone

◼ Example: Inflation affects the buying power of the dollar.

8. attach verb [uh-tach]

to fasten, secure, or join

◼ Example: Please attach the files to this folder.

9. charge verb [chahrj]

to impose a duty, responsibility, or obligation on someone

◼ Example: His teacher charged him with the task of watching the young kids on the playground.

10. transplant verb [v. trans-plant, -plahnt]

to remove (an organ of the body) and put into another person or animal

◼ Example: Doctors are able to transplant my kidney to my younger brother.


Give the word being asked for each number.

◼ explore

◼ object

◼ occur

◼ overcome

◼ avoid

◼ practice

◼ affect

◼ attach

◼ charge

◼ transplant

____________________1. to take place; come about, to happen; to be found

____________________2. to keep away from a place, person or thing

____________________3. to defeat or conquer, to win against

____________________4. to do often or repeatedly, to do repeatedly to become good

____________________5. to feel or express dislike or disapproval

____________________6. to have an influence on; effect a change in something or someone

____________________7. to impose a duty, responsibility, or obligation on someone

____________________8. to investigate, to examine carefully

____________________9. to remove (an organ of the body) and put into another person or animal

____________________10. to fasten, secure, or join


Choose the correct words to complete the sentences below.

1) My friends and I will______________ the caves next week. We promised ourselves we would travel the world to discover its beauty.

1. practice

2. watch

3. explore

4. move

2) The accident _____________ yesterday morning. We can’t really expect when they will take place.

1. occurred

2. affected

3. effected

4. charged

3) He always ____________ the subject of money. When we talk about it, he tries to change the subject.


2. avoids

3. tells

4. charges

4) He wanted us to travel on foot, but I ______________ to that idea because the destination is very far. He then suggested that we go by car.

1. agreed

2. supported

3. objected

4. believed

5) The hotel ____________ me more than I expected. I think there was a mistake on my bill.

1. liked

2. avoided

3. told

4. charged