
ボキャブラリー レッスン67


1. by mistake phrase [bahy mi-steyk]

accidentally, without intending to do something

◼ Example: I deleted the important email by mistake.

2. pace noun [peys]

the speed at which someone walks or moves

◼ Example: She walked at a fast pace to catch the bus.

3. narrow adjective [nar-oh]

having a small width, not wide

◼ Example: The street was too narrow for two cars to pass.

4. dangerous adjective [deyn-jer-uhs]

likely to cause harm or injury, not safe

◼ Example: It is dangerous to swim in the deep ocean without proper training.

5. pass by phrasal verb [pas bahy]

to go past or move beyond something or someone

◼ Example: I often pass by the bakery on my way to work.

6. look through phrasal verb [look throo]

to examine or read something quickly or casually

◼ Example: He looked through the newspaper to find the article he was interested in.

7. by far phrase [bahy fahr]

by a great margin or degree, much more than anything else

◼ Example: This is by far the best pizza I have ever tasted.

8. perhaps adverb [per-haps]

possibly, maybe

◼ Example: Perhaps we can go to the movies tonight if we finish our work early.

9. on purpose phrase [on pur-puhs]

intentionally, with a specific intention or objective

◼ Example: He spilled the drink on purpose to get attention.

10. wrongly adverb [rawng-lee]

incorrectly, in a mistaken or incorrect manner

◼ Example: She was wrongly accused of stealing the money.


Give the word being asked for each number.

◼ by mistake

◼ pace

◼ narrow

◼ dangerous

◼ pass by

◼ look through

◼ by far

◼ perhaps

◼ on purpose

◼ wrongly

____________________1. possibly, maybe

____________________2. likely to cause harm or injury, not safe

____________________3. having a small width, not wide

____________________4. the speed at which someone walks or moves

____________________5. incorrectly, in a mistaken or incorrect manner

____________________6. to examine or read something quickly or casually

____________________7. intentionally, with a specific intention or objective

____________________8. accidentally, without intending to do something

____________________9. to go past or move beyond something or someone

____________________10. by a great margin or degree, much more than anything else


Choose the correct words to complete the sentences below.

1) I apologize for sending you the wrong document _____________.

a. by mistake

b. pace

c. narrow

d. dangerous

2) He walked at a fast _____________ to catch the bus.

a. wrongly

b. pass by

c. look through

d. pace

3) The road was _______________, and only one car could pass at a time.

a. narrow

b. dangerous

c. perhaps

d. by far

4) The sign warned people about the _____________ cliffs ahead.

a. on purpose

b. wrongly

c. dangerous

d. narrow

5) I _____________ the store on my way home, but it was already closed.

a. looked through

b. pass by

c. by mistake

d. on purpose