
ボキャブラリー レッスン66


1. rental noun [ren-tl]

an arrangement where payment is made to use something temporarily, such as a property or vehicle

◼ Example: They decided to book a vacation rental near the beach for their summer holiday.

2. Atlantic noun [uh-tlan-tik]

the second largest ocean on Earth, located between Europe, Africa, North America, and South America

◼ Example: The Atlantic Ocean is known for its powerful waves and diverse marine life.

3. chemistry noun [kem-uh-stree]

the scientific study of substances, their properties, compositions, and reactions

◼ Example: She is majoring in chemistry and hopes to become a research scientist.

4. few determiner [fyoo]

a small number of something, not many

◼ Example: There are only a few seats left in the theater, so we should book them quickly.

5. heater noun [hee-ter]

a device used to produce heat, usually for warming a room or providing hot water

◼ Example: They installed a new central heating system with efficient heaters in their house.

6. instruction noun [in-struhk-shuhn]

detailed information or guidance on how to do something

◼ Example: The teacher provided clear instructions on how to solve the math problem.

7. come across phrasal verb [kuhm uh-kraws, -kros]

to find or encounter something or someone unexpectedly or by chance

◼ Example: During their hike, they came across a beautiful waterfall in the forest.

8. salmon noun [sam-uh n]

a type of fish that typically migrates from the sea to freshwater rivers to spawn

◼ Example: Grilled salmon with lemon and herbs is a popular dish in many cuisines.

9. immediately adverb [ih-mee-dee-it-lee]

without delay or hesitation, right away

◼ Example: Please call me immediately if there are any changes to the schedule.

10. palace noun [pal-is]

a large and impressive building, often the official residence of a monarch or high-ranking dignitary

◼ Example: The royal palace is open for public tours, allowing visitors to explore its grand architecture and historical artifacts.


Give the word being asked for each number.

◼ rental

◼ Atlantic

◼ chemistry

◼ few

◼ heater

◼ instruction

◼ come across

◼ salmon

◼ immediately

◼ palace

____________________1. a small number of something, not many

____________________2. detailed information or guidance on how to do something

____________________3. without delay or hesitation, right away

____________________4. a large and impressive building, often the official residence of a monarch or high-ranking dignitary

____________________5. a device used to produce heat, usually for warming a room or providing hot water

____________________6. the second largest ocean on Earth, located between Europe, Africa, North America, and South America

____________________7. to find or encounter something or someone unexpectedly or by chance

____________________8. a type of fish that typically migrates from the sea to freshwater rivers to spawn

____________________9. the scientific study of substances, their properties, compositions, and reactions

____________________10. an arrangement where payment is made to use something temporarily, such as a property or vehicle


Choose the correct words to complete the sentences below.

1) The agent informed us that the ____________ for the beach house is $200 per night.

a. rental

b. come across

c. palace

d. Atlantic

2) We took a trip across the ____________ Ocean to reach the other continent.

a. salmon

b. chemistry

c. Atlantic

d. few

3) The professor gave us detailed ____________ on how to conduct the experiment.

a. instruction

b. immediately

c. heater

d. chemistry

4) I was surprised to ____________ an old friend from high school while traveling in a foreign country.

a. palace

b. few

c. come across

d. rental

5) The restaurant is known for its delicious dishes, especially the grilled ____________ .

a. Atlantic

b. heater

c. immediately

d. salmon