
ボキャブラリー レッスン65


1. wallpaper noun [wawl-pey-per]

a decorative covering for walls, often made of printed paper or vinyl

◼ Example: They chose a floral wallpaper for the living room.

2. park noun [pahrk]

a designated area of land for public recreation and enjoyment

◼ Example: Let's have a picnic in the park this weekend.

3. May I leave a message? phrase [mey ay leev uh mes-ij]

a polite request to ask if it is permissible to leave a message for someone

◼ Example: When my friend is not available, I usually ask, "May I leave a message?"

4. ballet noun [ba-ley, ba-ley]

a type of dance characterized by precise and highly formalized movements

◼ Example: She has been practicing ballet since she was a child.

5. not A but B phrase [not A buht B]

an expression used to emphasize a preference or choice between two options, favoring B over A

◼ Example: I wanted to eat sushi, not pizza, for dinner.

6. prevent verb [pri-vent]

to stop or hinder something from happening or someone from doing something

◼ Example: Wearing a seatbelt can help prevent injuries in a car accident.

7. behind preposition [bih-hahynd]

at or to the rear of something or someone

◼ Example: The cat was hiding behind the couch.

8. truck noun [truhk]

a large, heavy motor vehicle used for transporting goods or materials

◼ Example: The delivery arrived in a big truck.

9. laughter noun [laf-ter]

the act of expressing amusement or joy through sound

◼ Example: The comedy show filled the room with laughter.

10. additional adjective [uh-dish-uh-nl]

extra or added, supplementing something already present or available

◼ Example: Please provide any additional information you may have.


Give the word being asked for each number.

◼ wallpaper

◼ park

◼ may I leave a message?

◼ ballet

◼ not A but B

◼ prevent

◼ behind

◼ truck

◼ laughter

◼ additional

____________________1. at or to the rear of something or someone

____________________2. the act of expressing amusement or joy through sound

____________________3. a polite request to ask if it is permissible to leave a message for someone

____________________4. a large, heavy motor vehicle used for transporting goods or materials

____________________5. extra or added, supplementing something already present or available

____________________6. to stop or hinder something from happening or someone from doing something

____________________7. a decorative covering for walls, often made of printed paper or vinyl

____________________8. a type of dance characterized by precise and highly formalized movements

____________________9. a designated area of land for public recreation and enjoyment

____________________10. an expression used to emphasize a preference or choice between two options, favoring B over A


Choose the correct words to complete the sentences below.

1) Excuse me, _______________? I need to speak with Mr. Johnson.

a. wallpaper

b. park

c. may I leave a message?

d. ballet

2) The raincoat will help ________________ you from getting wet in the rain.

a. prevent

b. behind

c. truck

d. laughter

3) The playground is located ____________ the school building.

a. additional

b. not A but B

c. park

d. behind

4) We need to add some ____________ to make the soup more flavorful.

a. wallpaper

b. prevent

c. additional

d. laughter

5) The delivery company brought the package in a large ____________.

a. truck

b. park

c. may I leave a message?

d. ballet