
ボキャブラリー レッスン61


1. furniture noun [fur-ni-cher]

objects such as chairs, tables, and beds that are used to make a room ready for use

◼ Example: She bought new furniture for her living room.

2. attack verb [uh-tak]

to act violently against someone or something, to try to hurt or harm

◼ Example: The army launched a surprise attack on the enemy camp.

3. blanket noun [blang-kit]

a large piece of thick cloth used as a covering for warmth, especially on a bed

◼ Example: I like to snuggle under a warm blanket during the winter.

4. paste noun [peyst]

a thick, soft, moist substance made by mixing a liquid with a powder, used for sticking things

◼ Example: I need some glue or paste to fix this broken vase.

5. reserve verb [ri-zurv]

to keep or set aside for a particular purpose, to save or keep available for future use

◼ Example: We need to reserve a table at the restaurant for tonight's dinner.

6. wealthy adjective [wel-thee]

having a great deal of money, possessions, or riches

◼ Example: The wealthy businessman owned several luxurious properties.

7. not only A but (also) B phrase [naht on-lee A, but also B]

used to introduce two or more things that are true or applicable

◼ Example: She is not only intelligent but also talented in music.

8. Let me do phrase [let mee doo]

a polite request to allow oneself to perform a task or action

◼ Example: Let me do the cooking tonight; you can relax.

9. business noun [biz-nis]

an organization or economic system where goods and services are exchanged for money

◼ Example: He started his own business after graduating from university.

10. delicate adjective [del-i-kit]

easily broken, damaged, or hurt, requiring careful handling or sensitive treatment

◼ Example: Be careful with the delicate glassware; it's fragile.


Give the word being asked for each number.

◼ furniture

◼ attack

◼ blanket

◼ paste

◼ reserve

◼ wealthy

◼ not only A but (also) B

◼ Let me do

◼ business

◼ delicate

____________________1. a polite request to allow oneself to perform a task or action

____________________2. having a great deal of money, possessions, or riches

____________________3. a large piece of thick cloth used as a covering for warmth, especially on a bed

____________________4. used to introduce two or more things that are true or applicable

____________________5. to keep or set aside for a particular purpose, to save or keep available for future use

____________________6.to act violently against someone or something, to try to hurt or harm

____________________7. easily broken, damaged, or hurt, requiring careful handling or sensitive treatment

____________________8. objects such as chairs, tables, and beds that are used to make a room ready for use

____________________9. an organization or economic system where goods and services are exchanged for money

____________________10. a thick, soft, moist substance made by mixing a liquid with a powder, used for sticking things together


Choose the correct words to complete the sentences below.

1) As the temperature dropped, she wrapped herself in a cozy ________________ .

a. furniture

b. reserve

c. blanket

d. delicate

2) He not only inherited a vast amount of money but also built a successful ________________ empire.

a. wealthy

b. blanket

c. business

d. delicate

3) The hotel guests can ________________ a table at the restaurant for dinner.

a. attack

b. delicate

c. reserve

d. paste

4) The art gallery displayed a collection of ________________ sculptures.

a. attack

b. delicate

c. wealthy

d. paste

5) The company experienced a cyber ________________ last night, compromising sensitive customer data.

a. blanket

b. reserve

c. attack

d. business