
ボキャブラリー レッスン58


1. entrance noun [en-truhns]

the act or instance of entering, a way or passage to enter a place

◼ Example: We walked through the grand entrance of the museum and marveled at the beautiful architecture.

2. airline noun [air-lahyn]

a company that provides air transport services for passengers or cargo

◼ Example: I booked my flight with a reputable airline for my vacation to Europe.

3. hug verb [huhg]

to hold someone tightly in one's arms, usually as a sign of affection or comfort

◼ Example: When I saw my best friend after a long time, we hugged each other tightly.

4. respect noun [ri-spekt]

a feeling of admiration or deep esteem for someone or something

◼ Example: It is important to show respect to your elders and treat them with kindness.

5. avocado noun [av-uh-kah-doh]

a fruit with a creamy texture and a large seed in the center, often used in salads or as a spread

◼ Example: I love having avocado on toast for breakfast; it's delicious and healthy.

6. smartphone noun [smahrt-fohn]

a mobile phone that has advanced features and capabilities beyond those of a traditional cell phone

◼ Example: Nowadays, almost everyone owns a smartphone and uses it for various purposes.

7. lately adverb [leyt-lee]

in the recent past, during a recent period of time

◼ Example: I haven't been feeling well lately; I think I need to get some rest.

8. lock verb [lok]

to fasten or secure something using a key or combination, preventing access or opening

◼ Example: Don't forget to lock the door before leaving the house to ensure your safety.

9. certain adjective [sur-tn]

having no doubt, specific or particular, not indefinite

◼ Example: I have a certain feeling that something exciting is going to happen today.

10. in reality phrase [in ree-al-i-tee]

in actuality, in the real world, as opposed to in one's imagination or expectations

◼ Example: She dreamed of being a famous singer, but in reality, she pursued a career in medicine.


Give the word being asked for each number.

◼ entrance

◼ airline

◼ hug

◼ respect

◼ avocado

◼ smartphone

◼ lately

◼ lock

◼ certain

◼ in reality

____________________1. in the recent past, during a recent period of time

____________________2. having no doubt, specific or particular, not indefinite

____________________3. the act or instance of entering, a way or passage to enter a place

____________________4. a feeling of admiration or deep esteem for someone or something

____________________5. a company that provides air transport services for passengers or cargo

____________________6. a mobile phone that has advanced features and capabilities beyond those of a traditional cell phone

____________________7. to hold someone tightly in one's arms, usually as a sign of affection or comfort

____________________8. to fasten or secure something using a key or combination, preventing access or opening

____________________9. a fruit with a creamy texture and a large seed in the center, often used in salads or as a spread

____________________10. in actuality, in the real world, as opposed to in one's imagination or expectations


Choose the correct words to complete the sentences below.

1) The ________________ offered discounted tickets for the holiday season.

a. smartphone

b. avocado

c. airline

d. entrance

2) It's important to ________________ others' opinions, even if they differ from your own.

a. hug

b. respect

c. lock

d. certain

3) The salad was topped with slices of creamy ________________ .

a. smartphone

b. avocado

c. airline

d. entrance

4) ________________ , she has been exploring new hobbies to pass the time.

a. Lately

b. In reality

c. Certain

d. Entrance

5) There's a ________________ charm to old-fashioned traditions that withstand the test of time.

a. hug

b. respect

c. lock

d. certain