
ボキャブラリー レッスン54


1. trash noun [trash]

waste material, discarded items, or rubbish

◼ Example: Please throw the trash in the designated bin.

2. pay for verb [pey fawr]

to give money in exchange for goods or services

◼ Example: I will pay for the movie tickets.

3. no problem phrase [noh prob-luhm]

a response indicating that something can be done without difficulty or inconvenience

◼ Example: Can you help me carry these bags? - Sure, no problem!

4. interest noun [in-ter-ist]

a feeling of curiosity, attraction, or concern about something

◼ Example: She has a keen interest in learning about different cultures.

5. moreover adverb [mohr-o-ver]

in addition, furthermore, besides

◼ Example: The weather is beautiful today. Moreover, the beach is not crowded.

6. designer noun [dih-zahy-ner]

a person who plans, creates, or designs something, such as clothes, buildings, or graphics

◼ Example: She is a talented fashion designer.

7. native adjective [ney-tiv]

belonging to a particular place by birth or origin

◼ Example: English is her native language.

8. promote verb [pruh-moht]

to encourage, support, or advance the growth or development of something

◼ Example: The company will promote their new product through a marketing campaign.

9. approach verb [uh-prohch]

to come near or closer to something or someone

◼ Example: The dog cautiously approached the unfamiliar object.

10. select verb [si-lekt]

to choose or pick out from a group or options

◼ Example: Please select your preferred seat from the available choices.


Give the word being asked for each number.

◼ trash

◼ pay for

◼ no problem

◼ interest

◼ moreover

◼ designer

◼ native

◼ promote

◼ approach

◼ select

____________________1. in addition, furthermore, besides

____________________2. waste material, discarded items, or rubbish

____________________3. to choose or pick out from a group or options

____________________4. a feeling of curiosity, attraction, or concern about something

____________________5. to give money in exchange for goods or services

____________________6. to come near or closer to something or someone

____________________7. belonging to a particular place by birth or origin

____________________8. to encourage, support, or advance the growth or development of something

____________________9. a person who plans, creates, or designs something, such as clothes, buildings, or graphics

____________________10. a response indicating that something can be done without difficulty or inconvenience


Choose the correct words to complete the sentences below.

1) Being a _______________ speaker, she effortlessly communicated in the local dialect.

a. approach

b. native

c. pay for

d. promote

2) The company will _______________ a new advertising campaign to reach a wider audience.

a. trash

b. native

c. select

d. promote

3) Don't worry about the bill. I'll _____________ dinner tonight.

a. pay for

b. moreover

c. native

d. approach

4) The fashion show featured designs from both established and emerging _____________ .

a. designers

b. interest

c. approach

d. native

5) The team decided to _____________ a more environmentally friendly approach in their manufacturing process.

a. trash

b. approach

c. designer

d. interest