
ボキャブラリー レッスン52


1. shelf noun [shelf]

a flat horizontal board attached to a wall or a frame used for placing objects or books

◼ Example: I put my books on the shelf to keep them organized.

2. discussion noun [dih-skuhsh-uhn]

the act of talking about something with others, exchanging ideas and opinions

◼ Example: We had a lively discussion about the latest movie.

3. screen noun [skreen]

a flat surface where images or information are displayed, such as on a computer or a television

◼ Example: I watched a movie on the big screen at the cinema.

4. personal adjective [pur-suh-nl]

relating to a particular person, individual, or oneself

◼ Example: My personal belongings are kept in this drawer.

5. necessary adjective [nes-uh-ser-ee]

needed or required to achieve a certain purpose or goal

◼ Example: Planning is necessary for a successful project.

6. outdoors adverb [awr-dawrz]

in or into the open air; outside

◼ Example: I enjoy spending time outdoors, especially in nature.

7. make sure (that) phrase [meyk shoor]

to take action to ensure or confirm that something is done or will happen

◼ Example: Make sure to lock the door before leaving the house.

8. avoid verb [uh-void]

to keep away from or prevent from happening or being done

◼ Example: I try to avoid eating too much sugar for the sake of my health.

9. although conjunction [awl-thoh]

despite the fact that; however

◼ Example: Although it was raining, we still went for a walk.

10. except for phrase [ik-sept fawr]

excluding or not including; with the exception of

◼ Example: Everyone attended the meeting, except for John who was sick.


Give the word being asked for each number.

◼ shelf

◼ discussion

◼ screen

◼ personal

◼ necessary

◼ outdoors

◼ make sure (that)

◼ avoid

◼ although

◼ except for

____________________1. ain or into the open air; outside

____________________2. despite the fact that; however

____________________3. relating to a particular person, individual, or oneself

____________________4. excluding or not including; with the exception of

____________________5. needed or required to achieve a certain purpose or goal

____________________6. flat horizontal board attached to a wall or a frame used for placing objects or books

____________________7. to take action to ensure or confirm that something is done or will happen

____________________8. to keep away from or prevent from happening or being done

____________________9. the act of talking about something with others, exchanging ideas and opinions

____________________10. a flat surface where images or information are displayed, such as on a computer or a television


Choose the correct words to complete the sentences below.

1) To prevent accidents, drivers should _____________ using their phones while on the road.

a. although

b. need

c. avoid

d. necessary

2) We had a long _____________ about the future plans of our company.

a. screen

b. necessary

c. discussion

d. outdoors

3) I need to ________________ my phone to a larger _______________ to watch the movie.

a. travel, shelf

b. enjoy, screen

c. finish, personal

d. connect, screen

4) It is _____________ to wear sunscreen when you go outdoors.

a. necessary

b. personal

c. avoid

d. alhough

5) _____________ it was raining, we decided to go hiking.

a. Although

b. Tell

c. Enjoy

d. Find