
ボキャブラリー レッスン5


1. analyze verb [an-l-ahyz]

to examine by separating into parts and studying their relations

◼ Example: The students are analyzing the result of their experiment.

2. attempt verb [uh-tempt]

to try to perform, make, or achieve

◼ Example: She attempted to read the whole book in one day, but she did not succeed.

3. attract verb [uh-trakt]

to cause or make someone or something to come towards or near; to make someone like someone or be interested.

◼ Example: A magnet attracts iron.

4. prove verb [proov]

to show to be true or correct; valid to turn out, or be found

◼ Example: This kitchen tool proved very useful. The salesman was correct.

5. recommend verb [rek-uh-mend]

to praise or to suggest as being good

◼ Example: My friend recommended that I buy a used car instead of a brand new car.

6. replace verb [ri-pleys]

to use in place of another, to take over; to take the place of

◼ Example: He replaced the book he lost with a new one.

7. rise verb [rahyz]

to become greater, larger, higher; to increase

◼ Example: Because of the bad economy, food prices are still rising.

8. steal verb [steel]

to take or get the property of another without permission

◼ Example: The thief stole money and jewelry from our house last night.

9. advance adjective [ad-vans]

made or given before the necessary or agreed time

◼ Example: She made an advance booking at the hotel.

10. care noun [kair]

close attention, protection

◼ Example: Please handle the glass with care.


Give the word being asked for each number.

◼ analyze

◼ analyze

◼ attract

◼ prove

◼ recommend

◼ rise

◼ steal

◼ advance

◼ care

◼ replace

____________________1. to become greater, larger, higher; to increase

____________________2. made or given before the necessary or agreed time

____________________3. to cause or make someone or something to come towards or near

____________________4. close attention, protection

____________________5. to examine by separating into parts and studying their relations

____________________6. to praise or to suggest as being good

____________________7. to take the place of

____________________8. To take or get the property of another without permission

____________________9. to show to be true or correct

____________________10. to try to perform, make, or achieve


Choose the correct words to complete the sentences below.

1) Women are deeply ____________ to diamonds. Diamonds are said to be the most gorgeous stone ever.

1. replaced

2. attracted

3. recommended

4. advanced

2) Can you ______________ your theory? Please provide me with evidence so we can establish its validity.

1. prove

2. attract

3. believe

4. know

3) Cars have _______________ animals as the normal means of transport.

1. replaced

2. attracted

3. recommended

4. advanced

4) What camera brand do you _____________? I am planning to buy one tomorrow.

1. replace

2. attracted

3. recommend

4. advance

5) The prisoner ______________ to escape but the jail guard caught him.

1. attempted

2. attracted

3. recommended

4. analyzed