
ボキャブラリー レッスン49


1. memory noun [mem-uh-ree]

the faculty of the mind by which information is encoded, stored, and retrieved

◼ Example: I have a good memory for faces.

2. have a chance to do phrase [hav uh chans too doh]

to have an opportunity or possibility to do something

◼ Example: I finally had a chance to visit my dream destination, Paris.

3. reduce verb [ri-doos]

to make something smaller, to decrease or lessen

◼ Example: Eating a balanced diet can help reduce the risk of heart disease.

4. bring up phrasal verb [bring uhp]

to raise or mention a topic or subject in conversation

◼ Example: He brought up the idea of going on a road trip during the meeting.

5. battery noun [bat-uh-ree]

a device that produces electricity for powering electrical devices

◼ Example: The battery in my phone needs to be replaced.

6. lonely adjective [lohn-lee]

feeling sad or isolated due to a lack of companionship or company

◼ Example: Living alone in a new city can sometimes make you feel lonely.

7. introduce A to B phrase [in-truh-doos A too B]

to make someone acquainted with or familiarize someone with another person or thing

◼ Example: Let me introduce you to my friend, John.

8. That (it) depends phrase [that (it) dih-penz]

used to indicate that the answer or outcome is influenced by specific factors or circumstances

◼ Example: Will the event take place tomorrow? That depends on the weather.

9. at (the) most phrase [at thuh mohst]

used to indicate the maximum or highest limit of something

◼ Example: The meeting will last for two hours at the most.

10. suit verb [soot]

to be appropriate or suitable for someone or something

◼ Example: This dress suits you perfectly.


Give the word being asked for each number.

◼ memory

◼ have a chance to do

◼ reduce

◼ bring up

◼ battery

◼ lonely

◼ introduce A to B

◼ That (it) depends

◼ at (the) most

◼ suit

____________________1. the faculty of the mind by which information is encoded, stored, and retrieved

____________________2. to raise or mention a topic or subject in conversation

____________________3. to make something smaller, to decrease or lessen

____________________4. to be appropriate or suitable for someone or something

____________________5. to have an opportunity or possibility to do something

____________________6. feeling sad or isolated due to a lack of companionship or company

____________________7. a device that produces electricity for powering electrical devices

____________________8. used to indicate the maximum or highest limit of something

____________________9. to make someone acquainted with or familiarize someone with another person or thing

____________________10. used to indicate that the answer or outcome is influenced by specific factors or circumstances


Choose the correct words to complete the sentences below.

1) She has a good _____________ and can remember details from her childhood.

a. memory

b. have a chance to do

c. reduce

d. bring up

2) A fully charged _____________ will ensure your device stays powered throughout the day.

a. battery

b. lonely

c. introduce to

d. suit

3) I often feel _____________ when I have to spend long periods of time alone.

a. bring up

b. lonely

c. that depends

d. at the most

4) Choosing the right attire for the interview is crucial to _____________ the professional environment.

a. memory

b. that it depends

c. suit

d. bring up

5) To maintain a healthy lifestyle, it's important to _____________ the intake of processed foods.

a. reduce

b. have a chance to do

c. introduce to

d. bring up