
ボキャブラリー レッスン4


1. maintain verb [meyn-teyn]

to keep up or carry on; continue; to preserve or keep the same

◼ Example: You should not just maintain your EIKEN score, but improve it.

2. promote verb [pruh-moht]

to raise to a more important or responsible job or rank

◼ Example: My father is very happy today because he was promoted to a managerial position.

3. rely verb [ri-lahy]

to be in need for support, help, or supply ; dependent

◼ Example: He is already twenty-two years old, but he still relies on his parents for money.

4. fix noun [f ks]

to place securely; to make firm or steady; to repair

◼ Example: The roof of this house should be fixed before the rainy season.

5. identify verb [ahy-den-tuh-fahy, ih-den-]

to recognize the identity of; to know the origin

◼ Example: A: Please identify yourself.
B: I am Akiko.

6. match noun [mach]

one that is exactly like another; equal or similar with another

◼ Example: This color matches the other.

7. predict verb [pri-dikt]

to state, tell about, or make known in advance, especially on the basis of special knowledge; to foretell something

◼ Example: I think nobody can predict the future.

8. react verb [ree-akt]

to behave in a certain way as a result of something

◼ Example: The man reacted strongly when the young boy shouted at him.

9. regard adjective [ri-gahrd]

to look at attentively; observe closely; to consider to be

◼ Example: She regarded the young girl as her little sister.

10. release verb [ree-lees]

to set free from confinement, to relieve of care and suffering

◼ Example: He was released from prison last year.


Give the word being asked for each number.

◼ maintain

◼ promote

◼ fix

◼ identify

◼ match

◼ predict

◼ react

◼ regard

◼ rely

◼ release

____________________1. to recognize the identity of; to know the origin

____________________2. to state, tell about, or make known in advance, especially on the basis of special knowledge

____________________3. to behave in a certain way as a result of something

____________________4. to raise to a more important or responsible job or rank.

____________________5. one that is exactly like another; equal or similar with another

____________________6. to be in need for support, help, or supply ; dependent

____________________7. to look at attentively; observe closely; to consider to be

____________________8. to set free from confinement, to relieve of care and suffering

____________________9. to keep up or carry on; continue; to preserve or keep the same

____________________10. to place securely; to make firm or steady; to repair


Choose the correct words to complete the sentences below.

1) You cannot ______________ on your parents all the time. You have to work on your own too.

1. identify

2. rely

3. help

4. work

2) The scientist _____________ that a very strong earthquake will occur after 20 years. They were able to tell this in advance because of the movements of the plates underneath the earth.

1. make

2. forget

3. predicted

4. invented

3) Almost all Japanese employees are vying to be ____________. A higher post would give them a higher salary rate.

1. changed

2. promoted

3. predicted

4. fixed

4) He _____________ his car very well. It still looks so new.

1. changed

2. predicted

3. maintained

4. matched

5) I _____________ her conduct as totally unacceptable. Any rude act is considered unethical at the work place.

1. regard

2. maintain

3. match

4. change