
ボキャブラリー レッスン33


1. how far phrase [hau fahr]

used to ask about the distance between two places or the extent of a situation

◼ Example: Excuse me, how far is the nearest train station from here?

2. alive adjective [uh-lahyv]

having life, not dead or inanimate

◼ Example: After the accident, the firefighters rescued the trapped kitten, and it was still alive.

3. counter noun [koun-ter]

a flat surface or table where goods are sold or services are provided

◼ Example: The bakery has a display counter filled with freshly baked pastries and bread.

4. for a change phrase [for uh cheynj]

to do something different or out of the ordinary for the sake of variety

◼ Example: Let's have pizza for dinner tonight, for a change from our usual home-cooked meals.

5. appeal to phrase [uh- peel too]

to attract or interest someone; to be pleasing or attractive

◼ Example: The new museum exhibition appeals to art enthusiasts from all over the world.

6. help A (to) do: phrase [help A tuh do]

to assist someone in doing something

◼ Example: Can you help me to carry these boxes upstairs, please?

7. Some-others pronoun [suhm-uhth-erz]

referring to a group of unspecified or additional people or things

◼ Example: Some-others have already arrived at the party, but there are still a few guests missing.

8. sometime adverb [suhm-tahym]

at an indefinite or unspecified time in the future; eventually

◼ Example: We should go on a vacation together sometime.

9. turn down phrasal verb [turn doun]

to reject, refuse, or decline an offer, request, or proposal

◼ Example: Unfortunately, they turned down my job application.

10. atmosphere noun [at-muh sfeer]

the overall mood, feeling, or environment of a place or situation

◼ Example: The cozy café had a warm and inviting atmosphere.


Give the word being asked for each number.

◼ how far

◼ alive

◼ counter

◼ for a change

◼ appeal to

◼ help A (to) do

◼ Some-others

◼ sometime

◼ turn down

◼ atmosphere

____________________1. to attract or interest someone; to be pleasing or attractive

____________________2. at an indefinite or unspecified time in the future; eventually

____________________3. to reject, refuse, or decline an offer, request, or proposal

____________________4. used to ask about the distance between two places or the extent of a situation

____________________5. the overall mood, feeling, or environment of a place or situation

____________________6. to assist someone in doing something

____________________7. to do something different or out of the ordinary for the sake of variety

____________________8. having life, not dead or inanimate

____________________9. a flat surface or table where goods are sold or services are provided

____________________10. referring to a group of unspecified or additional people or things


Choose the correct words to complete the sentences below.

1) The new movie _____________ to a wide range of audiences with its nique storyline and captivating visuals.

a. appeals to

b. turns down

c. counter

d. is alive

2) We hiked up the mountain to see _____________ we could reach.

a. help me

b. turn down

c. how far

d. for a change

3) I decided to visit the art museum _____________. I usually go to natural history museums, but I wanted to try something different.

a. help me

b. turn down

c. appeal to

d. for a change

4) The marketing strategy was designed to ________________ a broader audience.

a. help me

b. turn down

c. appeal to

d. for a change

5) I received an invitation to a prestigious event, but unfortunately, I had to ________________ as I had prior commitments.

a. help me

b. turn down

c. appeal to

d. for a change