
ボキャブラリー レッスン28


1. together with phrase [tuh-geth-er with]

in addition to, accompanied by

◼ Example: I went to the concert together with my friends.

2. go into phrasal verb [goh in-too]

to enter or explore something in detail, to examine or investigate

◼ Example: The detective decided to go into the details of the case.

3. version noun [vur-zhuhn]

a particular form or edition of something, a variant or adaptation

◼ Example: I have the latest version of the software installed on my computer.

4. to the point phrase [too thuh point]

direct and concise, addressing the main or relevant matter

◼ Example: Please keep your presentation to the point and avoid unnecessary details.

5. I'll miss you phrase [ahyl mis yoo]

expression of sadness or longing for someone's absence or departure

◼ Example: As I waved goodbye to my friend, I told them, "I'll miss you."

6. congratulations noun [kuhn-grach-uh-ley-shuhnz]

expressions of joy or approval for someone's success or achievement

◼ Example: I sent her a message with congratulations on her promotion.

7. thanks anyway phrase [thangks en-ee-wey]

expression of gratitude, despite declining or not receiving something

◼ Example: I appreciate your offer, but thanks anyway for your help.

8. instrument noun [in-struh-muhnt]

a tool or device used for a specific purpose, often in music

◼ Example: He plays the piano and guitar, both musical instruments.

9. service noun [sur-vis]

an act of assistance or help provided to others, often in exchange for payment

◼ Example: The customer service representative was very helpful and resolved my issue.

10. whenever adverb [wen-eh-ver]

at any time, on any occasion, regardless of the specific time or circumstance

◼ Example: You can contact me whenever you need assistance.


Give the word being asked for each number.

◼ together with

◼ go into

◼ version

◼ to the point

◼ I'll miss you

◼ congratulations

◼ thanks anyway

◼ instrument

◼ service

◼ whenever

____________________1. in addition to, accompanied by

____________________2. tool or device used for a specific purpose, often in music

____________________3. a particular form or edition of something, a variant or adaptation

____________________4. expression of gratitude, despite declining or not receiving something

____________________5.direct and concise, addressing the main or relevant matter

____________________6. expressions of joy or approval for someone's success or achievement

____________________7. at any time, on any occasion, regardless of the specific time or circumstance

____________________8. an act of assistance or help provided to others, often in exchange for payment

____________________9. to enter or explore something in detail, to examine or investigate

____________________10. expression of sadness or longing for someone's absence or departure


Choose the correct words to complete the sentences below.

1) My sister, _____________ my parents, will attend the wedding ceremony.

a. go into

b. version

c. together with

d. to the point

2) The detective decided to ______________ the matter and gather more evidence.

a. instrument

b. thanks anyway

c. whenever

d. go into

3) We have released the latest _______________ of our software with improved features.

a. instrument

b. to the point

c. version

d. go into

4) The speaker's presentation was concise and direct, getting ______________ without unnecessary details.

a. together with

b. version

c. to the point

d. thanks anyway

5) ______________ on your graduation! You've worked hard for this achievement.

a. Congratulations

b. Instrument

c. Whenever

d. I'll miss you