
ボキャブラリー レッスン22


1. type noun [tahyp]

a category or group of things having common characteristics

◼ Example: What type of music do you enjoy listening to?

2. tour noun [toor; verb toor, tower]

a journey or trip taken for pleasure or to visit places of interest

◼ Example: We went on a guided tour of the historical landmarks in the city.

3. next to idiom [nekst too]

in a position immediately adjacent to or beside someone or something

◼ Example: The coffee shop is next to the bookstore.

4. uniform noun [yoo-nuh-fawrm]

a distinctive set of clothing worn by members of a particular group or organization

◼ Example: The students wore a school uniform to maintain discipline and unity.

5. praise verb [preyz]

to express approval, admiration, or compliment someone for their achievements or qualities

◼ Example: The teacher praised the students for their excellent performance in the exam.

6. when to do phrase [wen too do]

the appropriate or suitable time to perform a particular action or task

◼ Example: Can you please advise me on when to submit the project proposal?

7. rely on phrasal verb [ri-lahy on]

to depend or trust someone or something for support, assistance, or information

◼ Example: I rely on my alarm clock to wake me up in the morning.

8. live on phrasal verb [liv on]

to have one's primary source of sustenance or income from something

◼ Example: Some people in rural areas live on farming for their livelihood.

9. care about phrasal verb [kair uh-bout]

to be concerned or interested in something or someone; to value or prioritize something

◼ Example: She cares about the environment and actively participates in eco-friendly initiatives.

10. level noun [lev-uhl]

a position or degree on a scale, rank, or hierarchy

◼ Example: He achieved a high level of proficiency in playing the piano.


Give the word being asked for each number.

◼ type

◼ tour

◼ next to

◼ uniform

◼ praise

◼ when to do

◼ rely on

◼ live on

◼ care about

◼ level

____________________1. a category or group of things having common characteristics

____________________2. a distinctive set of clothing worn by members of a particular group or organization

____________________3. in a position immediately adjacent to or beside someone or something

____________________4. to express approval, admiration, or compliment someone for their achievements or qualities

____________________5. the appropriate or suitable time to perform a particular action or task

____________________6. to depend or trust someone or something for support, assistance, or information

____________________7. a journey or trip taken for pleasure or to visit places of interest

____________________8. to have one's primary source of sustenance or income from something

____________________9. to be concerned or interested in something or someone; to value or prioritize something

____________________10. a position or degree on a scale, rank, or hierarchy


Choose the correct words to complete the sentences below.

1) The coffee shop is located ______________ the bookstore, making it convenient for book lovers.report?

a. praise

b. rely on

c. type

d. next to

2) The employees at this company are required to wear a ______________.

a. tour

b. uniform

c. level

d. care about

3) We went on a guided _______________ of the famous landmarks in the city.

a. type

b. praise

c. tour

d. level

4) She always _______________ the opinions and feelings of others.

a. lives on

b. cares about

c. relies on

d. levels

5) I need to figure out _______________ this project by tomorrow.

a. when to do

b. praising

c. next to

d. live on