
ボキャブラリー レッスン2


1. share verb [shair]

to divide among a number of people

◼ Example: I share the bedroom with my older sister.

2. spread verb [spred]

to cover a surface; to reach a wider or bigger area

◼ Example: The news spread all over the country through the televisions.

3. transplant verb [v. trans-plant, -plahnt]

to remove (an organ of the body) and put into another person or animal

◼ Example: Doctors are able to transplant my kidney to my younger brother.

4. value noun [val-yoo]

an amount, money or material worth: importance

◼ Example: The value of yen is starting to depreciate.

5. appreciate verb [ uh-pree-shee-eyt]

to recognize the quality or importance of something or someone

◼ Example: She appreciated the beauty and convenience of her native country when she travelled to Africa.

6. complicate verb [v. kom-pli-keyt ]

to make or become complex; to make more difficult

◼ Example: Don’t complicate things but make it simple.

7. connect verb [kuh-nekt]

to join or fasten together

◼ Example: You have to connect the pieces of a puzzle to form an image.

8. divide verb [dih- vahyd]

to separate into parts, sections, groups, or branches

◼ Example: The pizza is divided into eight slices.

9. estimate verb [ es-tuh-mit, -meyt]

to judge size, amount, value, etc., especially roughly or without measuring

◼ Example: She estimated the cost of the wedding party.

10. generate verb [jen-uh-reyt]

to bring into being; to produce; to make

◼ Example: This machine generates electricity.


◼ share

◼ spread

◼ transplant

◼ value

◼ appreciate

◼ complicate

◼ connect

◼ divide

◼ estimate

◼ generate

____________________1. an amount, money or material worth: importance

____________________2. to make or become complex; to make more difficult

____________________3. to separate into parts, sections, groups, or branches

____________________4. to cover a surface; to reach a wider or bigger area

____________________5. to join or fasten together

____________________6. to recognize the quality or importance of something or someone

____________________7. to divide among a number of people

____________________8. to judge size, amount, value etc., especially roughly or without measuring

____________________9. to bring into being; to produce; to make

____________________10. to remove (an organ of the body) and put it into another person or animal


Choose the correct words to complete the sentences below.

1) Our boss ________________ all our hard work; that’s why many employees like her.

1. appreciates

2. annoyed

3. bored

4. complicates

2) She ___________ her lunch with her friends. She cooked a lot of food in the morning.

1. eats

2. transplants

3. values


3) Her illness is a terminal case because the virus has already ____________ all over her body.

1. eat

2. transplant

3. spread

4. share

4) The young girl needs a heart _____________ for hers is already too weak to maintain adequate blood flow. Her parents do not have enough money for the surgery though.

1. value

2. transplant

3. change

4. share

5) Please _____________ the task among your team members. There are three employees that can share the task.

1. keep

2. hide

3. spread

4. divide