
ボキャブラリー レッスン19


1. Well done! phrase [wel duhn]

used to express praise or congratulations for a job well done

◼ Example: The team worked hard and won the championship. Well done!

2. manage verb [man-ij]

to handle or control successfully; to be in charge of or responsible for

◼ Example: She can manage multiple tasks at the same time.

3. serious adjective [seer-ee-uhs]

having a thoughtful, earnest, or solemn manner or attitude; not joking or frivolous

◼ Example: This is a serious matter that requires immediate attention.

4. come to life phrase [kuhm too lahyf]

to become lively, animated, or full of energy; to awaken or bring something to a vibrant state

◼ Example: The party started to come to life when the music started playing.

5. Egypt noun [ee-jipt]

a country in northeastern Africa known for its ancient civilization, including the pyramids and the Sphinx

◼ Example: I would love to visit Egypt and explore its rich history.

6. slide verb [slahyd]

to move smoothly along a surface, often without friction or resistance

◼ Example: The kids had a lot of fun sliding down the water slide at the water park.

7. laundry noun [lawn-dree]

the act of washing, drying, and folding clothes; also refers to the clothes that need to be washed

◼ Example: I need to do the laundry because I'm running out of clean clothes.

8. without preposition [wi-thout]

in the absence or lack of something; not having or doing something

◼ Example: She managed to finish the project without any help.

9. disappear verb [dis-uh-peer]

to cease to be visible or to exist; to vanish

◼ Example: The magician made the rabbit disappear from the hat.

10. button noun [buht-n]

a small disk or knob used to fasten or unfasten something or to control a device

◼ Example: Press the button to turn on the TV.


Give the word being asked for each number.

◼ Well done!

◼ manage

◼ serious

◼ come to life

◼ Egypt

◼ slide

◼ laundry

◼ without

◼ disappear

◼ button

____________________1. having a thoughtful, earnest, or solemn manner or attitude; not joking or frivolous

____________________2. the act of washing, drying, and folding clothes; also refers to the clothes that need to be washed

____________________3. a country in northeastern Africa known for its ancient civilization, including the pyramids and the Sphinx

____________________4. to become lively, animated, or full of energy; to awaken or bring something to a vibrant state

____________________5. to handle or control successfully; to be in charge of or responsible for

____________________6. to move smoothly along a surface, often without friction or resistance

____________________7. in the absence or lack of something; not having or doing something

____________________8. a small disk or knob used to fasten or unfasten something or to control a device

____________________9. to cease to be visible or to exist; to vanish

____________________10. used to express praise or congratulations for a job well done


Choose the correct words to complete the sentences below.

1) He received a promotion at work because he ________________ his tasks efficiently.

a. disappeared

b. managed

c. slide

d. buttoned

2) The children were playing in the park, and suddenly their ball ________________ into the bushes.

a. managed

b. disappeared

c. Egypt

d. without

3) The city ________________ at night with bright lights.

a. slide

b. serious

c. comes to life

d. button

4) He accidentally pressed the wrong ________________ during the presentation.

a. slide

b. without

c. come to life

d. button

5) She's doing ________________ this afternoon.

a. laundry

b. serious

c. find

d. slide