
ボキャブラリー レッスン16


1. Just a minute (moment) [ just uh min-it (moh-muhnt)]

an expression used to ask someone to wait for a short period of time

◼ Example: "Can you please wait? I'll be with you in just a minute."

2. as soon as [az soon az]

immediately after something happens or at the earliest possible time

◼ Example: "I will call you as soon as I finish my meeting."

3. I'd love to [I'd luv to]

an expression used to show enthusiasm or eagerness to do something

◼ Example: "Would you like to join us for dinner?" - "I'd love to!"

4. independent [in-de-pen-dent]

able to do things on one's own, not relying on others for help or support

◼ Example: "She moved out of her parents' house and now lives independently."

5. nation [nay-shun]

a large group of people who share a common culture, history, and government, usually living in a specific area

◼ Example: "The United States is a diverse nation with people from various backgrounds."

6. blow [bloh]

to move or be moved by a current of air, or to make air move forcefully

◼ Example: "The wind was so strong that it blew my hat off."

7. anyway [en-ee-way]

regardless of what has been said or done before, in any case

◼ Example: "I know you're busy, but could you help me anyway?"

8. Another (The second) reason is that [uh-nuh-thur (thuh sek-und) ree-zun iz that]

used to introduce a second point or explanation

◼ Example: "One reason to exercise is to stay healthy. Another reason is that it improves mood."

9. try on [trahy on]

to put on clothes or shoes to see if they fit or look good

◼ Example: "I need to try on these jeans before deciding to buy them."

10. guard [gahrd]

a person who protects a place or people from danger or harm

◼ Example: "The security guard checked everyone's identification before allowing them inside."


Give the word being asked for each number.

◼ Just a minute (moment)

◼ as soon as

◼ I'd love to

◼ independent

◼ nation

◼ blow

◼ anyway

◼ Another (The second) reason is that

◼ try on

◼ guard

____________________1. a person who protects a place or people from danger or harm

____________________2. an expression used to show enthusiasm or eagerness to do something

____________________3. a large group of people who share a common culture, history, and government, usually living in a specific area

____________________4. to move or be moved by a current of air, or to make air move forcefully

____________________5. an expression used to ask someone to wait for a short period of time

____________________6. used to introduce a second point or explanation

____________________7. able to do things on one's own, not relying on others for help or support

____________________8. to put on clothes or shoes to see if they fit or look good

____________________9. regardless of what has been said or done before, in any case

____________________10. immediately after something happens or at the earliest possible time


Choose the correct words to complete the sentences below.

1) She decided to ______________ the dress before making a purchase.

a. guard

b. blow

c. try on

d. open

2) I'll call you ______________ I arrive at the airport.

a. as soon as

b. in a minute

c. anyway

d. independent

3) The wind was so strong that it could ______________ objects off the table.

a. blow

b. nation

c. tell

d. enjoy

4) I know you're busy, but could you help me ______________?

a. anyway

b. invite

c. find

d. finish

5) ______________ reason to visit Japan is to experience its rich cultural heritage.

a. Another (The second)

b. Learn

c. Grow

d. Need