
ボキャブラリー レッスン15


1. Compare verb [kuhm-pair]

to examine the characteristics of two or more objects, ideas, people, etc. to establish their likenesses and differences

◼ Example: It is better to compare prices and specifications before buying any expensive gadgets.
◻ Note: Although not always observed, we use the preposition ‘to’ after the verb ‘compare’ when pointing out similarities between two obviously dissimilar persons or things. On the other hand, we use ‘with’ after the word when pointing out similarities or differences between two entities of the same general class or kind.

2. Cure noun [kyoor]

a method or course of medical treatment or means of healing or restoration of health; a drug that restores health

◼ Example: Even now, scientists are still looking for a cure for cancer.
◻ Note: ‘Cure’ can also be used as a verb which means to restore health or to relieve an illness.

3. Discuss verb [dih-skuhs]

to speak with another about something; to consider something by argument or comment; to talk about

◼ Example: The senators are still discussing whether they should pass the bill or not.
◻ Note: What do you usually discuss with your friends?

4. Attend verb [uh-tend]

to be present at

◼ Example: Nobody in her family attended the wedding. to accompany or to go with
◼ Example: The Queen is always attended by the royal guards. to take charge or control of
◼ Example: She attended to the kids’ needs while their parents were away.
◻ Note: Do you like attending parties?

5. Bump verb [buhmp]

to knock against someone or something; to come in contact with; to collide with

◼ Example: He fell asleep while driving so he bumped his car into the approaching car. Luckily, no one was badly injured.
◻ Note: ‘Bump’ can also be a noun which means a swelling usually from a blow (I got a big bump on my head after being hit by a golf ball.) or an area raised above the level of the surrounding surface. (He didn’t notice the bump on the road so he tripped.)

6. Care noun [kair]

a burdened state of mind in which one is troubled, worried or anxious

◼ Example: She never had peace of mind because she’s always overwhelmed with care. a cause, object or source of worry, anxiety or concern
◼ Example: His absences and tardiness added a lot to the many cares of his team leader.
◻ Note: To ‘care’ also means to be concerned with: She cares greatly about your condition; or to provide the needed assistance or supervision: In the Second World War, she cared for the ailing hearts of the soldiers; or to be inclined: She didn’t even care about the gifts that he gave her.

7. Complete adjective [kuhm-pleet]

having all the necessary components, elements or parts

◼ Example: I bought a complete set of his novel series.

to make something whole

◼ Example: I need one more word to complete the sentence. to conclude, to finish or to end
◼ Example: He has successfully completed the course.
◻ Note: What completes your day?

8. Concentrate verb [kon-suhn-treyt]

to bring or direct to one common center, point of focus or union

◼ Example: Always try to concentrate on what you’re doing to avoid making mistakes. to converge or bring into one place or group
◼ Example: The impoverished people are concentrated in the Manila area.
◻ Note: Is it easy for you to concentrate on studying?

9. Consume verb [kuhn-soom]

to take in or use up; to drink or eat up

◼ Example: Please consume the candies in the fridge before they expire. to wastefully spend money, time, etc.
◼ Example: His non-sense talks consumed much of my time.
◻ Note: ‘Consume’ also means to destroy as in: His disease has totally consumed his body.

10. Describe verb [dih-skrahyb]

to express or tell in spoken or written words; to send an idea or impression of something or someone; to represent by pictures or in words; to give a description of

◼ Example: She described all her hardships with tears in her eyes.
◻ Note: Describe what your father looks like.


Give the word being asked for each number.

◼ compare

◼ attend

◼ cure

◼ bump

◼ discuss

◼ care

◼ consume

◼ complete

◼ describe

◼ concentrate

____________________1. a method or course of medical treatment or means of healing or restoration of health; a drug that restores health

____________________2. a burdened state of mind in which one is troubled, worried or anxious

____________________3. having all the necessary components, elements or parts; to conclude, to finish or to end

____________________4. to be present at; to accompany or to go with

____________________5. to bring or direct to one common center, point of focus or union

____________________6. to knock against someone or something; to come in contact with; to collide with

____________________7. to express or tell in spoken or written words; to send an idea or impression of something or someone; to represent by pictures or in words; to give a description of

____________________8. to speak with another about something; to consider something by argument or comment; to talk about

____________________9. to examine the characteristics of two or more objects, ideas, people, etc. to establish their likenesses and differences

____________________10. to take in or use up; to drink or eat up


Choose the correct words to complete the sentences below.

1) The entire house was ____________ by fire. They weren’t able to save any of their belongings.

a. consumed

b. completed

c. concentrated

d. expended

2) To do well in the listening test, you must ____________ on the voice in the audio file. Focus on important details.

a. attend

b. describe

c. discuss

d. concentrate

3) His kindness is beyond _____________. No one can ever be equal to him.

a. compare

b. association

c. discuss

d. suggestion

4) Ron suddenly injured his ankle so he couldn’t _____________ the race and stopped in the middle of it.

a. defeat

b. triumph

c. terminate

d. complete

5) He was able to __________ _the beauty of his hometown in his short speech.

a. verify

b. designate

c. describe

d. leash