
ボキャブラリー レッスン14


1. Appear verb [uh-peer]

to come to sight or into existence; to make something visible

◼ Example: Surprisingly, after much refusal, the suspect’s mother appeared at the court.
to seem or look to be or have the appearance
◼ Example: Even though he didn’t finish college, he still appears dignified in front of the interviewers.
◻ Note: Which do you prefer, something that’s expensive and looks really good or something that’s secondhand and cheap but still appears fine?

2. Emphasize verb [em-fuh-sahyz]

to give stress, emphasis or prominence

◼ Example: Before the start of the second half, their coach emphasized the importance of having team spirit, which perhaps made them grab this big win.
◻ Note: Usually, what do your parents emphasize whenever they share some values?

3. Calculate verb [kal-kyuh-leyt]

to compute by mathematical methods

◼ Example: My son started calculating big numbers at the age of 6. to estimate or to evaluate; to gauge.
◼ Example: A boxer should calculate his opponent’s strengths for him to know what his moves should be.
◻ Note: Can you calculate one’s abilities just by looking at him or her?

4. Decline verb [dih-klahyn]

to deny or refuse politely

◼ Example: He declined the party’s offer to make him their leader.
◻ Note: To ‘decline’ also means to cause to incline downward.

5. Preserve verb [pri-zurv]

to maintain in existence; to keep in good or perfect or unchanged condition

◼ Example: Everyone is asked to preserve the gift and beauty of Mother Nature.
to keep or retain possession of
◼ Example: You have to preserve your sanity even under much pressure.
◻ Note: What can you do to preserve the beauty of your environment?

6. Promise noun [prom-is]

an assurance that someone will or will not do something; an indication of what is to be expected

◼ Example: If only politicians could keep all their promises, this world would be a much better place. an indication of excellence or achievement in the future.
◼ Example: She’s a rising star with great promise.

to commit oneself into doing or giving something; to make a promise; to make a promise of something to a person

◼ Example: I promised I would help my friend find a job.
◼ Example: Promise me you won’t tell anyone about it.

◻ Note: Have you ever made a promise that you didn’t keep?

7. Replace verb [ri-pleys]

to put back into a former role or to assume a former position or place; substitute

◼ Example: Motorcycles have replaced most cars in the Philippines due to their lower gas consumption. to take the place of
◼ Example: His son replaced him as the CEO of the company.
◻ Note: Do you think robots could replace human beings?

8. Supply verb [suh-plahy]

to provide what is lacking or to make something available for use

◼ Example: We have closed a deal with MEGA Co. and they’ll be supplying us with raw materials for making furniture. to furnish or equip with something
◼ Example: The hotel staff provides us with toiletries twice a day.
◼ Example: Nuclear power plants supply electricity to every Japanese house. to compensate or make up for, fill, or satisfy
◼ Example: Since they separated, my mother has supplied us with the things that our father can’t provide.
◻ Note: ‘Supplies’ can also be used as a noun which means something that is supplied or stock: We need to replenish our supplies.

9. Warn verb [wawrn]

to give an advance notice or advice of danger, possible harm, or anything that’s unfavorable; to give caution

◼ Example: We’ve already warned her that he’s a playboy, but she didn’t listen. to urge someone to be careful
◼ Example: Everytime he joined a race, we would always warn him to be careful.
◻ Note: ‘Warning’ is the noun form of ‘warn’.

10. Attract verb [uh-trakt]

to draw near or to cause to unite by a physical force

◼ Example: Negative and positive attract to arouse or stimulate interest, admiration and attention of
◼ Example: Her striking outfit attracted the attention of the crowd.
◻ Note: What characteristics attract you?


Give the word being asked for each number.

◼ appear

◼ decline

◼ preserve

◼ emphasize

◼ promise

◼ calculate

◼ warn

◼ replace

◼ attract

◼ supply

____________________1. to estimate or to evaluate; to gauge

____________________2. to maintain in existence; to keep in good or perfect or unchanged condition

____________________3. to give an advance notice or advice of danger, possible harm, or anything that’s unfavorable; to give caution

____________________4. to come to sight or into existence; to make something visible

____________________5. to provide what is lacking or to make something available for use

____________________6. an assurance that someone will or will not do something; an indication of what is to be expected

____________________7. to deny or refuse politely

____________________8. to arouse or stimulate interest, admiration and attention of

____________________9. to give stress, emphasis or prominence

____________________10. to put back into a former role or to assume a former position or place; substitute


Choose the correct words to complete the sentences below.

1) Even though she didn’t want to, she had to ___________ the invitation from their boss for a special dinner tonight because she already has a prior commitment.

a. incline

b. decline

c. despise

d. recline

2) The president’s health is deteriorating so the vice-president has ___________ him in attending to the state’s affairs.

a. declined

b. preserved

c. replenish

d. replaced

3) Secret agents often __________ the CIA with very important and confidential information.

a. demand

b. supply

c. resource

d. stock

4) Their target market is kids so they put colorful drawings on their ads to __________ them.

a. attract

b. detract

c. destruct

d. distract

5) We need to work together to _____________ our culture for the future generation.

a. preserve

b. reserve

c. conserve

d. deserve