
ボキャブラリー レッスン10


1. Alternative noun [awl-tur-nuh-tiv, al-]

a choice between two or more possibilities; one of the things, one of the propositions, one of the courses of action which you can choose from

◼ Example: You have the alternative of taking the plane or going on a ship.
◻ Note: ‘Alternative’ can also be an adjective which means allowing or affording a choice of two or more things. An example of which is “Let’s take the alternative route because that route is already congested.”

2. Unique adjective [yoo-neek]

one of a kind; without equal or incomparable; without alternative possibilities; not typical

◼ Example: She has a very unique way of dealing with people.
◻ Note: What are some of your unique characteristics?

3. General adjective [jen-er-uhl]

pertaining to and affecting all persons or things; common to most; characteristic of the majority involved; prevalent

◼ Example: A general meeting of all the freshmen students will be held tomorrow.
not restricted to one class, field, product, service, etc.

◼ Example: The Da Vinci exhibition is open to the general public.
◻ Note: ‘General’ can also be a noun which means an officer ranking above a lieutenant general but below a general of the army or air force.

4. Harmful adjective [hahrm-fuhl]

having the tendency to cause harm or injury

◼ Example: Strong heat from the sun is harmful to our skin.
◻ Note: Think of some things that can be harmful to children.

5. Huge adjective [hyooj or, often, yooj]

extraordinarily and unusually great or large in size, extent or quantity; limitless

◼ Example: That box is so huge that it took five people to carry it.
◼ Example: No doubt that our professor has a huge amount of scientific knowledge.
◻ Note: What’s the opposite of huge?

6. Ordinary adjective [awr-dn-er-ee]

having no special qualities or interests; usual and common; average; normal

◼ Example: She lost the gymnastics competition because her moves were ordinary. She didn’t show any spectacular skills.
◻ Note: This word can also be a noun which means the average condition or degree or something regular or usual: He impressed the crowd with some techniques that are more than the ordinary.

7. Serious adjective [seer-ee-uhs]

characterized by a grave quality or manner; having a deep or somber character or manner; sincere

◼ Example: He gave the situation very serious thought before making his decision.
◻ Note: Serious can also mean dangerous, severe, or life-threatening such as ‘a serious injury’.

8. Various adjective [vair-ee-uhs]

of different or diverse kinds; having many different qualities or aspects

◼ Example: Various studies have already been done to discover a cure for cancer.
◻ Note: As a pronoun, ‘various’ is usually followed by ‘of’. I have worked with various of them.

9. Current adjective [kur-uhnt, kuhr-]

belonging to the present time actually passing; now in progress; prevalent at the present time; popular; most recent; known by the public or reported publicly

◼ Example: The current economic situation of the United States of America is pretty bad.
◼ Example: The current fad diet is becoming more and more popular among Hollywood actresses. open to all persons
◻ Note: Flowing, just like of a river, is also called a current.

10. Modern adjective [mod-ern]

of or relating to the present or recent time

◼ Example: Even people from ethnic groups already wear modern clothes.
◻ Note: What’s the most modern gadget that you have?


Give the word being asked for each number.

◼ alternative

◼ harmful

◼ huge

◼ unique

◼ ordinary

◼ general

◼ serious

◼ modern

◼ various

◼ current

____________________1. of different or diverse kinds; having many different qualities or aspects

____________________2. pertaining to and affecting all persons or things; common to most; characteristic of the majority involved; prevalent

____________________3. one of a kind; without equal or incomparable; without alternative possibilities; not typical

____________________4. belonging to the present time actually passing; now in progress; prevalent at the present time; popular; most recent; known by the public or reported publicly

____________________5. having no special qualities or interests; usual and common; average; normal

____________________6. extraordinarily and unusually great or large in size, extent or quantity; limitless

____________________7. of or relating to the present or recent time

____________________8. a choice between two or more possibilities; one of the things, one of the propositions, one of the courses of action which you can choose from

____________________9. having the tendency to cause harm or injury

____________________10. characterized by a grave quality or manner; having a deep or somber character or manner; sincere


Choose the correct words to complete the sentences below.

1) It was just a minor accident so he didn’t suffer any ___________ wounds or injuries.

a. harmful

b. serious

c. ordinary

d. unique

2) It’s rare to see the elderly people dancing a __________ dance. I think they could even compete against the teenage dancers.

a. modern

b. native

c. ancient

d. out-of-date

3) Make sure to keep _______________ chemicals away from children’s reach. These chemicals could even be lethal.

a. ordinary

b. nontoxic

c. harmful

d. violent

4) Why did you buy such an expensive bag? It looks so ___________. It’s just the same as the other bags you would see in cheap shopping malls.

a. spectacular

b. fabulous

c. ordinary

d. unique

5) We put _____________ kinds of candies and toys in the kids’ loot bags. They were so happy to bring home different keepsakes from the party.

a. various

b. ordinary

c. general

d. modern